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Show V "P V MAKE YOUR CHOICE Ogden Examiner: Voters of America Ameri-ca havo a very cloar choice In the matter of Presidential candidates this year. Thoy may voto for Mr. Debbs, tho Socialist candidate, who frankly informs in-forms them that If his party Is suc-Icessful suc-Icessful It will mako radical changes appallingly radical changes, thov scorn to most pedplo In tho Indus trial system of the nation. They may voto for Mr. Wilson, tho Democratic nominee, who Is a ver ablo arid seemingly honest man! and placo In power the Democratic party which Is as much under the domination domina-tion of Tom Taggart, tho Bolmot.ta Thomas Ryan and Charles Murph, as it was when strong and honest Grover Cloveland was President of tho United States. And in giving power to tho party headed by Gov-ornor Gov-ornor Wilson, tho voter must remem-borttho remem-borttho dreadful days that narked tho Domocratc admlnlstraton then. Ho must remember that tho Democrats Demo-crats have just closed the longest session of congress In tho history of tho nation, and have spent more money and saved less than in any previous session showing that thoy are no moro ablo io conserve tho Interests In-terests of tho peoplo now than ttey wero formerly. Thoy mny voto for Colonel Hoose-volt, Hoose-volt, who openly declares ho is the only hopo and tho ono salvation of tho nation,; thnt no other innn can protect tho people; that no one else Is really and truly progressive; that no ono who dlffcrB with him Is honest; hon-est; that every ono who questions his statoment Is a liar, nnd who charges tho President of tho UiuKd States with be rtg a thief, and n trnltor. Or, they may vote for the re-cloc-tlon of President Tnft, who admittedly admitted-ly has made a good President. Ho has worked for the people, nnd not for his own personal ngrandlzement He hna been Independent nnd free from slnlBter Influences, true to h's duty, modest and unboastlng, an qualnted with the needs ot the peoplo peo-plo of every section of tho republic, nnd determ ncd to so administer the laws as to . best servo all thn c!t zens of the United States. The may voto for President Taft, under whoso administration this day there Is a sounder prosperity than'hns eclated ec-lated prov.'ously for years, a better condition ot peace and com'morcli'l relations with other countr'es than ever before has existed. They icuy voto for Pres dent Taft under wlnso strong yet gentle rule tho l'.inar.m canal Is being completed 'without scandal or waste or delay; undr whoso rule tho nrld regions are receiving re-ceiving more rapid development than ever before; under whoso rule the products of this western region-wool, region-wool, sugnr, and tho minerals are bolng safeguarded from the market slump that would follow tho election of either of his opponents. Let ub voto for Taft. -One-candidate promises everything TKaUMevery-body TKaUMevery-body wnnts. Another camlldnto prom-'sob prom-'sob everything you dread. A tjilrd promises fair, but can't fulfill. Mr. Taft promises a continuation of tho rule of reason and of right the rule under which wo are prosperous and strong. Wo Americans better leave well enough alone. |