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Show THE INCONSISTENT JOURNAL. H Tho democratic organ Is ever H I thoroughly Illogical. It commends H V the "reform microbe" that Is agl tat- i lng Tiik Rkpuulican, but regrets that during campaign times this paper pa-per stands for Uio nominees of the re- M publican convention, regardless of nny M Iticn ii,i:tcncy. In tli.-., Tm: Rki'uii- M i lican docs Just what The Journal m does abides by tho will of the majorl- H ty as regularly expressed. The Jour- tial does not, never has and never will. m 1 as long as It Is the otllclal organ of tho democratic party, refuse to support B the nominees of any regular democrat- M lc convention. It does, has ever and 1 will forever, support the candidates of B jj Its party regardless of its own oolnlon Ji of their creed, color, previous condl- t tlon of servitude, or lack of moral or M" " mental equipment. Tin: Rui'uiiM- H V can will likewise do the same ns long Hx, "?' as claims to be a republican paper, B I but even though wc had the disposl- M j tlon to do otherwise we have not yet H ( seen tho time when the superiority of B J the democratic candidate was so mar!:- ? ' ed that It would seem worth while for H the republican candidate to be defeat- B cd and the democrat elected in his 1 stiad. Unfortunately for the public It Wmtm scldum has nuy great choice between the opposing candidates. Tun Hk-I'UDLIcan Hk-I'UDLIcan argues only for the nomination nomina-tion of strong and capable men on both tlckcts'so that tho lack of choice need not result disadvantageous!)' to the public. Tho Journal's reference to the comparative merit of the two tickets tick-ets last fall Is unfortunate, for the kindliest way In which It can be put Is that regardless of any merit or demerit de-merit of the democratic ticket, that aggregation last fall was handicapped by the kind of light put up for It by the democratic organ. That kind of light would have killed any ticket, for It challenged the honor and Integrity and civic loyallty of every voter. Hut Tiik Hki-uiilican has no disposition dispo-sition to discuss questions raised y the democratic organ except ns they bear on tho one Idea In our own mind at this time the arousing of .tho public pub-lic mind to the advisability of exercising exercis-ing the greatest care posslblo in the selection of candidates for public olllce. The fact that some man desires olllce docs not prove his lltness for that of-lice, of-lice, nor should tho number of a man's relations count for most when It comes to making a selection of the various candidates. Let tho stronger men of each party emphasize this to those who spend much of their tlmu In making mak-ing party tickets. |