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Show HA8 HOBBY FOR SCARFPINS. Connecticut Senator's Really Remark-able Remark-able Collection. Senator Frank H. Hrandoseo, of Connecticut, Is tho most laslduous collector col-lector of scarfplns In either houso of congress. Ho ha3 n collection of about 10 of them that would delight tho heart of Tiffany, who Is also a col-lector col-lector of that kind. They do not caro for tho common, or garden variety. What they want 1h something that would mako tho oye3 of royalty sparkle, and that is tho kind they havo. As u mark of special favor RrAiido-goo RrAiido-goo somotlmes gives away scarfplns from his collection. Georgo Jcnnlson, ono of tho doorkeepers' of tho house, has a pin that was given to him by llrandegeo In recognition of somo service rendered him by Jcnnlson, It Is made of gold, sliver and platinum, plati-num, studded with diamonds, rubles and emeralds. It a a likeness of Louis XVI. of Franco wearing a cocked hat. Its Intrinsic value Is several sev-eral hundred dollars, because thcro am only three or four of thorn. Ono of thorn is In tho Tiffany collection and llrandegeo has another. |