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Show The Ways of Society, A "Curato,. moro renowned for his scholarship than knowledge ot tho world, was, after years of Btudloils to-tlromont, to-tlromont, presented to a living. Previous to taking over his living, ho was Invited by his patron, the grnndeo of" tho county, to spend a few days at the hall. Never having boon on n visit of that callbor In his llfo bo-fore, bo-fore, ho aBkod a frlcuJ, a man of tho world, to glvo him n few hints as to procedure, etc. Tho friend gavo him somo instructions, instruc-tions, and wound up by saying: "Tako dress clothes, of course, and If you want to be very smart, tako n sorv-ant." sorv-ant." In duo course tho visit came off. Tho curate well prlmtd nrrlved, tils dross clothos with him, and his par-lormald. par-lormald. Weekly Scotsman. |