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Show I BUY YOUR FURNITURE W O V T II E 1 SPANDE I Furniture Co. H nntl yoli find that It Is well Ht. bought. Hack of the Stylisli Hi appearance and Superior Iliilsh li thst mark every piece in our Bj Tremendous Stock, Is tlie high Hi, standard of I QUALITY BJ that comes from lioncst nicth- HJ ods and careful supervision. HJ ' We have just received a large HJ shipment of ' I Carpets BJ ft among them u consignment of ' I thofamousCOLUMHlA BRTJS-M, BRTJS-M, I SELS, which can not be stir-B" stir-B" passed for beauty and durabll- ity. Also a large shipment of Bj i the old reliable I, ' HAYWOOD BABY CARRIAGES. f Our prices will suit you. H Spandc Furniture Co. Hj Sidney Stevens B'ldg. Hi I BBpJ' BBBJt ! ' bVbVbVJbVAVJbVJH I : DOES IT PAY H 7j &wy 7Vjos im in- wire of liasiern Cat- H tf7C llOUSCS? BB To prove It does NOT, we BJ have marked the prices on a large BB number of articles in our show win- Hi 3 (low. Add the freight at .'! or .11 cents Va u per pound to catalogue prices and sec BJ for yourselves. BJ We carry everything In Hardware, BJ Tin, Galvanized Iron and Granite- BJ ware, a very Large stock of Garden J and Field Tools Lawn Mowers, Rub- BJ bcr Hose and Ice Cream Freezers (II- BJ rcct from Factory. Only one small BJ profit between maker and consumer., BJ Gall and sec. I R. LaFount & Co., 38 W. Center St., Logan. I Come Here I For the Walch BJ BJ If you're thinking of buy- BJ ing a watch, we want you BJ you to thinkof thlsstorc as BJ the proper place to buy it. H You'll lind a llrst-class BJ assortment of the dltTcrcnt BJ gradci of the best watches BJ here, and at the reasonable BJ prices that aie asked for BJ them nnvwhere. BJ You should sec our Cardan BJ special before deciding what BJ walch to purchase. We fill- BJ ly guarantee this movement H to wholly accurate and rcll- H able, and believe It to be the BJ ' bent value In a watch we BJ f have yet offered. BJ ' BJ ,' 1 Car don Jewelry Company H LOGAN, UTAH. excursion on Friday Ogden and return the same day $J.75. C. C. C. wants to make a showing. Get in and help a little School for Women Chemists. A school for women chemists has been opened at Dessau, Germany. Graduates can earn from f 20 to $18 n month. What an Easy Action the Estcy piano has! Tho "action has more to do with tonal quality than tho case or keyboard. You'll find our Instruments good all the way through. Theystand on their merits. We stand behind them. Harris Music Co. Kstey and Newman Dealers Yes; We Have a Telephone. What's more we pay attention to It, and orders for any quantity or size of coal are tilled promptly with top grade, easily-burning coal. Glad to have you call, of course, (but tho 'phone will bring quick response. M. & L. COAL & WOOD CO Both 'Phones - No. 74 ! The Scenic Line To,GIenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Spill gs y Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points East. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all SouthcrnPa- clfic nl 0;j)i 3 wb Ll.n trilnt. H Tna only Transcontlnon .4 ' (i Line passing directly through Salt Lake City - , I 3 Splendidly Equipped Trains between OGDEN AND DENVER Via Thrco Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes. THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CAR To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago wlthoui change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. Ex-cursions. DINING OARS, Service a la Carto on all through tialns. MMn For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, etc., Inqulro of your nearest ticket agent, specifying tho Hlo Grande ....route, or address.... I. C. BENTON, GPAD, Salt Lake City Cement Brick & Cement Bldg. Blocks JOSEPHE. WILSON JR. GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTOR. All kinds of Cement work In 'arge or small Jobs done anywhero and everywhere on short notice. Cement sills, sidewalks, water tables, sewer pipe, foundations, etc. j Bell 'Phone 216 Z; Office and Yards 128 S. First East. - |