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Show I Contributions to S. F. flr H: The following list or contributions for the San Francisco sufferers Is the M conclusion or that which was partially 1 presented In our last Issue. To this B list, according to Mr. J. A. Hcndrlck- H son who has been dolngsomc 'phoning H over the county. Is to be added a $1) H casn contribution from Lcwlslon, and B $l!.i cash from Mundon. It is also H stated that In Lewlston, Mention and H Wellsville, every eirort Is being made H to gather u (iiantlty or provisions to H ' go in the car that Is to leave Logan H within a day or two. B GI Fames J.'i 00 1 I)r IS Smith fi 00 M Win Edwards r, 00 B 1 P Bingham 5 00 HH Win Normandy U oo Flstcr & Ncllsen o 00 Win ilartou fi 00 IB Cache Valley Marble Co 5 0(1 H Geo A Hansen fi 00 fl Ilochdalc Association fi 00 H J no A McAllstcr 5 00 Geo V Llnclinilsl 5 00 HH Herman .lohnsom r 00 H II A IVdcrscn fi 00 H A U Harbor fi 00 H .lohn Nebekcr fi 00 BH Kobert Murdock fi 00 H Jos 13 Wllson.lr fi 00 IB II Wadman fi oo HH Cardon Jcwchy Co fi (H) H Win. i inn r, oo H C U (loodwln fi 00 HH It Larount fi oo H .lames A l'ark fi (Ml H Niels C Petersen fi 00 H 1 Francis Scholes fi 00 H Crane & Mltton I i, H; Win King :i 15 HH; 1 1 'I' lleuson il 00 H, C II Baker li 00 H Ceo II Thomas fi 00 Bi Itiist.t Beading fi :) HH Mary F Jones I fiO H1 Mrs Brnnghain fi 00 H, UC Coodwln r 00 H Mrs David Jenkins il fiO 1 Mrs II F Illtcr :i 00 , DrI'M Poulscn a Co H' Abraham .lorgcnscn 2 Co H W W Boundy, llenson Ward :i 00 Hj Hans Monk -i oo H John Thomas 100 1 Mrs Holland fi 00 M Mrs Floicneo Sihurthwalte 0 00 Hj! MrsCrear 7 H'l Kll.abcth Cole 1 CO H'i CA Cummlngs .10 tl HP lCtneis -2 CO H J A F Cardon -j Co H Le Orand Young 2 CO H J W S Lamoreaux 1; CO M j Hobbs Music Co 2 Co H A Bateson '2 CO Hf' "J H Thomas -J CO t'i MK Hanks -J CO H'j J It Morton 2 CO H'j 0 England -2 M HI , J 1 Smith 2 CO '1 FG Smith 350 -' ItW Clark -J 50 Mrs WS Mulr i 00 M S Hailstone 2 00 Mrs Talnicr -CO MrsCotey '! C0 Miss Martha Fisher M Miss A Haymond 2 f0 Mrs Lucy Cardon :i 00 Mrs N C Clcmeiitscn - "" O D Beach fi 00 M II Fames .1 f0 Miss Annie Egbert 1 HO Mrs Augusta Spcucc - CO Anders Olsen -' 00 Jens (3 Sorenscn 1 00 Mis A Johnson 1 00 Mrs Jane Thatcher CO Jos Villett I 00 Johanna Schneider 8C .Mrs II Spencer CO King David 1 00 Emily Nelson 1 00 MagnusOlscn 1 00 Mrs Alice Smith Co Olive Hansen CO Fannie Morgan 'J CO Pearl Kverton 1! CO Klla Kvcrton '2 Co UChrlstensen 1 00 Wm Hyde .'! 00 IlcberC Maughau 1! 00 Fred Melssner 2 CO Mr ICroplll 25 Joseph Camper 1 00 Jens Olsen 2 00 Geo II Thomas 100 Mrs David Iiccse 100 Miss Susie II Gates .- 1 00 Piof ilcxcll 1 1C J Frankhenson 1 00 Til Ilusby 1 75 TX Smith 1 00 Hans C Jensen 1 CO O LOIsen 1 7fi Karl Ny man 1 00 L L Cash 1 00 Mrs Jean Fereday . 2 00 Andreas Peterson ." 1 00 MrsC A Barrett 2 00 MrsT I) Roberts 2 00 It M ltoirsen 1 00 N P Johnson 2 00 Paris Millinery 2 00 G E Garrett 2 00 Edward Dixon 1 00 J W Larson 1 00 A A Law 1 00 Joel Kicks 1 00 1'3 K Nielsen 1 00 Linnie Telford 1 00 F.stella Egbert 1 00 J E Wilson 1 00 Andrew King J r t 1 00 Norman Lloyd 1 00 Wesley Jaipies 2 60 A Farr l 00 G W Lufkln : OJ David Andrews 1 00 A Lyson 1 00 E.ra Crookstou CO J W England 1 00 N A Larsen 1 50 E D Hogan 2 00 J C Wiihlcn CO W O Kamshaw 2 00 George Torgeson .' 2 00 P O Hansen 0 00 JPOrlilln 2 00 Total $ .VJ.I1 10 |