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Show I GOOD for OLD and YOUNG 1 Atignit Flower keeps the children healthy and strong Pali ot vigor and frolic the whole day long , Bo when Mnnuua nceMa more they rush oil In high Rice, . ,. And shout to the dniggltt: "Please give it to me 1" Inability to ct up brisk and fresh in the morning, lack of apatite, pallor, muddy complexion and poor spirits these nil indicate a disordered stomach and bad digestion in adultsand children, too. They also indicate the urgent need of taking Green's August l'lower regularly regu-larly for n few days. It's n reliable old remedy for all stomach troubles, never fails to cure indigestion, dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and is a natural tonic for body and mind., u Two sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists. City Drug Store, Logan, Utah. Our Center Tables are the best that you can lav hands on. They are built of solid selected uuarter-sawed'oak, deep rich San Domingo Do-mingo mahogany, with a flno glass finish, and In other words, tho best of ," their various kinds. THE HOME will be Improved considerably with a neat and attractive ccntro tablo.placed In the mldlo of tho parlor. It Mils up what would otherwise be a vacant spot, and can bo put to good use. Tho bottom board can bo used to keep sheet muslo or books. Tho prices are reasonable, ranging from $1 to fi and I up. Ilettcr buy one now. WW. EDWARDS 'tWFurniture Dealer. t Main Street, Logan. 'UJJJJJJJH A LOGAN CITV DIRECTORY I These firms Solicit your business and will treat you properly, I H W B S L E Y JACQUES Barber Shop and Bath Rooms Wo employ none but Experienced Harbors, thus ensuring' tlio Host of Service. Everything clean and Up-to-date. We solicit your patronage and will do our best to please you. BASEMENT THATCHER HANK Dr. P. M. Poulscn DIM I ST. Best Set of Teeth. $10.0o Filling Teeth, - 1.00 Cleaning Teeth, ... 1.00 Highest class Crown and Bridge Work at most reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain. Olllce over V. O. Store. L. J. Goodrich Osteopath. Five years active practice In Logan. Office Of-fice currier Main and Center streets, Olllce ami Itesldcncu phono Hell :. hid. 141'. Mght calls from ulllcc only. Real Estate, Loan and Insurance In-surance Co., of Logan. N. W. Kimball i A. E. Cranney, Mgrs. Farm, Itnnclies, lteMdencc and llunlnesH Locations for sale. We solicit eorttsiwnd-ence, eorttsiwnd-ence, Olllce In Union, over Andreas I'eter-ben's I'eter-ben's M100 store. Palace Meat Market Km. Reading, Prop. Prime beet, mutton, iork, veal, etc.) sua-sages sua-sages fresh every morning: tl-.li. game and poultry In season 63 west Center street Dr. I. P. Stewart DENTIST. Successor to Oowans.V Stewart. Olllce over First National Hank. Phono 10U H. A. Pedersen & Co. REAL ESTATE. LOASS.INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS Tried. True and Itellable. Office over First National Hank. Logan, Ut Postofflcc Box 3U. I'lione ia X Correspondence in tnj Language, answered James C. Walters ATTOiUiEY-sT-LAW. Dclon Ill6ck H North Main Street Logan Steam Laundry 46 Wtit 1st North. First-class efficient work done on short notice; family washes a specialty: satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. I'lione llli "The Hanks" Hotel HOME-LIKE. POPULAR, well lighted and tieatcd. Good meals and First-class service, llns to all trains; Favorite Fav-orite hostelry for Commercials. I'lione UK Over I'ostofllce. Main and 1st N, James T. Hammond Attorney and Attorney-at-Uw, Booms 315-310 McComlck Blk, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Lincoln Hotel Mrs. Hanks, Propr Commercial trado sollclled Center street Logan. I O liox 416 'i'lione Ui U. 6. M. & B. Co. Lumber Dealers. tVFIoorlng. celling, rustic, lath, doors. sash, mouldings, locks, hinges, nails, bolts, builders hardwaro and paints; Goo Cole, Mg Phono M V O box iXtt H. SECBIST PBOrniETOU Cache Valley Livery Co... Livery Feed and Transfer Stable. Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial j Trado j Solicited Stables rear of Eaclo Hotel Entrance 1st North Street. Phones: olllce 11 x; Res. 00 y. LOGAN, - - UTAH. THE SWELL CONK EOT ION-BUY ION-BUY OK LOO AN. (tIURDOCK'S Candy Kitchen I Try our Whipped Cream, Chocolates, Choco-lates, Bon lions, Ice Cream. Ices, and Sherbets, Made the year 'round. Our cream is Pasteurized before freezing- All our candles are made from Cache Valley Sugar. ALL HOME LABOR USED. John A. Sneddon Attorney-at-Law. Over 1st National Hank. Estates I'robated Ceneral Law I'ractlcu Jos. Wilson & Son Bran and Iron Founders. rr7".Vaclilnlsl, machinery repairing of all kind done: wo liosltlvely manufacture tha best and cheapest swivel for hay derricks ever placed on the market. 1 William Bowcn Livery and Feed Stables. Livery and baggago promptly attended' 10-connections made-with all trains coin-trade coin-trade solicited. First West street, Logan, Utah Peterson & Sons. The Painters, Oold signs, window lettering, card signs, pictorial signs, painted bulletins, wall displays, dis-plays, (if neral painting of all kinds In up-to-date manner. All work guaranteed. Shot, South .Main street J. Z. Stewart Jr. Attorney-al-Law. Estates probated, collections, general law practice, Logan Utah Hart'& Nebeker Lawyers. Suite 5 and 0 commercial block Logan. Utah 'I'lione 70, p o box 61 Logan Elevator Isaac Jorgensen. Prop, Dealer in all klndsof grain and seeds; ear-shipments ear-shipments a specialty. IMI K 2nd south phone lWx Wilson Whiskey THAT'S ALL. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS I H ALSO CIO A BS. f J. R. Edwards ! I and Company I Don't fall to Call If you want any- 1 thing- In our Hue. M OUR OOODSAKEIIIOII GRADE H i I WHERE Til E FISH A RE. , G.W. Liiulquist I Undertaker & Embalmer.' I M 'phono-ofllcu luT '' H 'phono resilience k H John Bench ! Dry Goods M Groceries, and Notions 1 H U south main H Worley & Nelson H Contractors and Builders. ' M lAigan, Utah H Phone Nos. Ubt and 12tk jl M V o box Xtii correspondencosollclted I H I CHAS. Q. HOLMES H Painter and Paperhan$er. M drainer and decorator. Calcimine done H CVdood workmanship guaranteed, It till H JOHN RUCHTI I Merchant Tailor. H Ladles and (Jenlsclolhlng neatly cleaned H and rcparled. (lood work guaranteed Tl V First North SU j H Palace Meat Market. I Rust & Reading, Props. l'rlmo beef, Mttton. l'ork, Voal. etc etc. H fWUamu and Poultry in season, M 3 West Center street. 1 t .1 J. W. BARRETT ! I Architect. H Plans, and PiHtlflcatloiis furnish or. M short notice. I". o. llox Ui. Olllce S.7 . North I'lrsl Kast stleet. ; H I'lione Independent ITea ' M Kelt Klv John Thomas I Merchant Tailor. , H EWLcadlug tailor of northern Utah; call H M at his new store No, 70 west 1st north " M A lino lino of Fall and Winter samples ot ' 1 Huttings for lnipecllon. II M Logan Utah 11 i M t j m A. H. Palmer 'l THE PLUMBER. j; I Hefpiumblnir that needs no repairing un- H til Jack frost gets at It 'H iH A. Swinyard 1 General Blacksmlthinj Si Huggy and carrlago work l. H Sill West Center street. H Odell Photo Studio .jl Family Groups a Specialty. :; il pyi'ortralu enlarged in crayon. India Ink. pastel and water colors Main and j Center streets. Logan, Utah . Joseph Tarbet I; The Plumber. ! IVOrders executed, satisfaction guaran- ; teed on abort notice HO N Main street. Logan, Lo-gan, Utah j J. F. Petritsch, NATUROPATH Removes tlie cause of disease through "NATUKAL MKT1IOD8" without drug, medicine or surgical operations. Office: Room No. 2, Palace Hotel, 5 Logan, Utah I LOGAN NURSERIES j 173 S. MAIN STREET. Roses and Carnations and all (lowers In season, Funcrnal designs a spco 1 laltv. Prompt attention given to or- I ders by mall or phone. ' I P. O. llox 128. Bell Phono 153 K. . I J. |