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Show I OUR FACTORY AND I S i OCK WERE SAVED. I Golden Gate COFFEE, TEA, SPICES, EXTRACTS, BAKING POWDER. Tiny Grocer Gan Supply You. J. n. Folder & Go., Gor. Howard & Spear THE HOME OF J Hewlett's 3 Crown s lii Bak,ng Powder' : sjl Exracts' sP'ces $ . 5 ' Teas and Fresh s -Sfc "KlpPi Roasl8d Gol(ees' 0 25,000 feet of Floor Space. When the Quality Is Superior; why not buy Utah Goods? m mm mm jMa aaa b Bank of Smithfield. SM1THFIELD. UTAH. Paid Up Capital $20,000.00. (iem-inl It i nktiiK' Imsltii's-., in all Its brunches We p-i) 4 pel cent liirpM-t. (in time antl cavities deposits I nt fn st compounded quartcrl). 1 I i ; f l s drawn on nil parts of the world. Safely deposit boxes for rent I'roinpt. priuteisiie and upto-dale. e solicit juui tiuVtiie Coriespondonee Invited. E. R. Aliles Jr., George Y. Smith, President. Cashier. 41?S HOTEL EAGLE HiSffl.KH' rooms 50c' 75c anj Sl,0 ISliBP'' 8 RESTAURANT n Connecton' "pr' Main St., Logan.Utah. pfhe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOGAN, UTAH. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $65,000. ICommeiclal llinkiug in nil Its branches Solicits accounts of Hanks, Minns . -hhI Individual and extends to ctistoineis ccry reasonable reason-able com t' and cniitlderalliHi Out SA VI NfiS 1)I2P. RTM BNT a specialty. Wo pay 4 per cent Inteiesr. compounded iiaiteii) Amounts of One Dollar and up lecelved on rtepoilt Come In and get one of our little savings banks. OFFfenitS: 8 W s ei inn -k, President; James Quajle. V President, John II n"it -ikI lee President; Allan M Fleming. Cashier llyiun V. Ctockett. Assistant Cashier f THE GUARANTEED GOLD CURE Your Druggist Guarantees Every Box of " BROIYIOLAV CONTAINS NO QUININE M, To Cure Colds and Stop Headaches It doe9 the Work Quickly Safely-Leaving Safely-Leaving no Bad After-Effccts Like Quinine Preparations Because THERE IS NO QUININE IN IT In the Orange Colored Box at all Drug Stores 25 cents or by Mail. OROMO CHEMICAL CO., CHICAGO. Sold and Guaranteed by Riler Bros-. Dnijj Co. j Muslin I Underwear I mid I Logan I I i H at the I m Knitting I IH FaGtory. I |