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Show Child Knew by Instinct. Willi im O'Hrlen In his nowly pub-llshe pub-llshe "P"'llecllonB" tells this story of Dr. Coitc, tho archbishop of Cash-cl: Cash-cl: "Once on ono of hU examinations examina-tions of the children for confirmation tho archbishop put to a llttlo girl the question from the catechism: What Is O'- preparation for matrimony?' matri-mony?' Tho .llttlo ono bhulied and giggled ami put the coiner of her bib in her . uith by v- rf answer. Tho question was f- 'ed- 'Oh. sure, your lnnlshlp knotvs It yourself,' was the timid reply. 'Yes, but you must tell me, my child. What Is tho preparation for hiatrlir iy?' 'Well, my lord, a llttlo courting, of course." ut Inst camo tho reluctant nnswer from amid a rosary of blushes." |