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Show B " " '" " ' " ' ' M We have tlio Only H Cold Tire Setter H In Logan and ll will 1 Set your tire while yoti wait H And wo guarantee that tlio tires set H on this machine will stay tlh'lib longer H than they will sol the old way. H Itcmember, we do all kinds of repair H work and we assure you our charges H arc reasonable. H ily experience wo have found the H Sweet Rubber Tire the best and B Emil IB. Nielsen M LOOAN, I LOGAN JUNK SHOP B Hrlng all seiap Iron, metal, bottles, H rags and rubbers, or call us up and we will come. I ml phono .1.17. Hell phono H 146 South Main St. H YOU WANT M: Good, and Sale Electric Wiring SEE ME! H, I . C. PLOWMAN H K rlcal Contractor. 7 Coimner- H clal lllouk. Hell l'honu .'Kill.. H J nd. phone ;il8a Logan Lumber Yard. H E. L. Johnson, Proprietor. H All kinds of building material on H hand. Shop woi'k done on short notice. H All kinds of pinning done. H 157 West nth South, Hell 'I'lionc 141. H E. J. MERRILL Osteopath. H Ilooms Over Rochdale Storo Of H lice hours I) to 1" a.m. and I to 0 pm, H Chicago Meat Market H Is the place to go for all H , kinds of Family" Meats. H Highest cash price paid H for all kinds of hides. H HOPKINS and ROBERTS H COAL H J'lcnty of U. 1'. and Hock Spring 1 roal on hand. $." for 2,000 lbs do- 1 llvcred, or $l.f0 at the scales. Very 1 special rate on car loads. Wo furnish 1 any coal desired. 1st S. and tllh W. H Cash on dclhei. M U.K. Merrill, M.D. B Physician and Surgeon. H Oillcc, Over First National Hank B l'hone No. 101.. Residence, 141 South Second East. Hell l'lione lll'.'y. Independent VM H IS REOPENED. H Farmers Feed Stable at Ciartl's Mill South Main Street, teams feed at reasonable price, also good horses bought and sold here. M N. A. Williamson, Myr. H IS REOPENED. H AFFLECK MACHINE SHOP H and FOUNDRY Work done on short notice All work giiargtilccd. Shop opposite Cential Mills H Albert A., Law H Atlorney-at-iaw. fl Room 11 Court house. Logan, Utah LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Sign en for further Information. In the District Court, Probate. Olvlilon In and lor Cache County, State of Utah. NOTtcr. TO CltEIUTOIlH, KtUloof Cjrilclla M. Ilarluw. di-ceawd. Cri'dltor will (.rcint claims Willi vouclicri to tlio imilursltriu'il at hU rctldoticn at l.nwU-ton, l.nwU-ton, Cacliu roil my, IHali. on or livfuru tlio IStli day tit feiHiinluT, IIWI. S. II. ICknt. Administrator of tLirstatoof Cordelia M. Ilarluw. flrciasrd, Mart ,1 Ni'twki-r. nttornrji fur said cMatc. NOTIt'K TO CKKtlirolK Ottatu of A mot C. Hall. di-roau-d, Creditor! will prcst-ntctalrin wltli vouchors to tlui undcnlcni'd at hi rt-nldrnruln l'ara illsi', Cacliu count)', Utah, nil or licforo the 12th day of AuifiKt. IUM Wii.i.iam (J. Ham.. A. A. Law. attorney. Ailmlnl-aralor. Plrst iiiilillcatloti. May I-. last June 13. MiriCi: TO CIIKDITOHH. Khtateof .lolin II. Vunk. deceatod, Cr"illtor will tin'Mtntclalirti with vouclien tollio uuili'tslKiii'd at lilt letldfiici' .No. Hi North I'irM Wc-,1 street. lj nan. Utah, on or lieforu the I'th (lay of N'l'temlxT, w), Tiloutt .Ml) I ll. i:fi-utor of the Inst will uiiil testament of John II Vunk, aeeeavd. Ilart.l NebeUer. altorneyt for estate. 1st iiuutlcatlou May in, last .lunu in. In the matter of the estate of Alice 11. Illll, deceased. Notice of sale of real estate The iindeislKiied will sell at private sale, the following described rea estate, vl.: An undivided oue-thlrd Inteicst In and to lots three (II) and four (4) block ten (10) I'lat "A" Hyde Park Town-site Town-site Survey, Cache County, Utah. On or after the llith day of May, 11)0(1, and written bids will be received by the undersigned, at his residence In Hyde Park, Utah. Terms of sale cash, ten per cent at time of bid, balance on continuation of sale by tho court. William Halls, Administrator. .). O Waltkus, Attorney. Nottce of Intention To Tax. Iiin hereby ulven by tho city council of LoKan City, Utah of the Intention In-tention of such council to make the following described Improvement to wit: Kxtend the Water Mains, and defray de-fray the costs thereof, estimated atj 41.:i0 per linear foot by a local assessment assess-ment upon the lots or pieces of ground within the following described district, bcltiK the district to be affected and benefitted by said Improvement, nam-1 nam-1 : HeK'Innlnn at the north cud of the Houlevaid and ruiinltiK thence south down little Dujr Way to Canyon Hoad; theuco west along Canjou Hoad to Us Intersection with Fifth Kasl Street; thence south one inock; thence west one , block; thence smith two blocks to llrst. south Street; iin'iico from this point on llrst South .street, one block east and ouo block wrv; thence from tho intersection of Thhd Kast Street and First South Street, one block North and ouo block South. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such Intention must be presented in writing to the city recorder on or about the (ltd day of June, WOO, being the day set b the said council when it will hear and consider con-sider such objections as may be mado thereto. Hy order of the city council of Logan City. Kstki.l.v Funnier City Recorder. May 18th, lDOii. Notice of Intention to Tax. Notice Is hereby given by the City Councilor Logan Ulty, Utah, or tho Intention or such Council to make the following described Impiovcment to wit: To pave the sidewalk beginning between be-tween the Intersections or First South SI reel and Scuth Main Street to Fourth South Street a distance or three blocks, and d if ray tho whole of the ccst thereof, estimates at H -5 per linear or rront root, by a local assessment assess-ment upon the lotsor pieces of ground within the following described district to be affected and benellttcd by said Improvement, namely beginning be-ween be-ween the Intersections of First South Street and South Main Street; llienc extending along the east side or the said South Maln;Streetto Fourth South Street a distance of threo blocks All protests and objections tu the carrying out of such Intentions must be presented In wilting to tho cltv recorder on or about tho (1th day of June, lPOii, being tho time set by sMd council when It will hear and consider such objections as may be mado thereto. there-to. Hy order or the city counoll or Logan CltV. KsTKLA KdllKUT, May, 18th, 1000. City Uecorder. I Notice to Contractors. Scaled bids will be received at the oillcc of the City Uecorder, Logan City, Utah, until noon, June 0,11)00, for the grading and laying or a cement sidewalk live feet wide and described as follows to wit: Heglnnlng at the southwest corner or tabernacle square; thence rutulng cast two blocks along the north side ol Center street; thence running north one block rrom tho southwest corner of Thatcher's pavilion along the east side of First Kast street. For plans and specifications call at the oillcc of the city engineer. A certified check of ten per cent oi bid must accompany all proposals. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Committee on Paving. Notice. The aniiuil stockholders meeting of the nichCache mining company wiK be held on the second Tuesday In June, the 12th. at -:M) p.m. at the court house hi Logan, Utah, for the purpose or electing a board of directors, hearing hear-ing the annual statement, and transacting trans-acting any other business that may come before the meeting. Kkwahi) IIansks, Secretary, t For Sale. The property known as the "old woolen factory site" on the Can) on road, In Logan City, Utah, south of the Agricultural College. That part Immediately west or tho factory, compilslng eight rods front on Can on road and running north to Logan and IMchmond canal, will bo sold separately from the remainder of the tract. The remainder of the tract, containing contain-ing about eight acre?, will Include the factory, which has about 1000 perch or rock. Written bids will bo ueeUed by the undersigned up to and including June 30th, moil. Tho right Is leserved to reject any and all bids. Till pcrr.'ct. I .lAMKS QUALK City Land For Sale. 7 52-100 acres or hay and pasture land commonly known as the Fair ground. City Recorder will rcrelvc sealed bids for the same at her oillcc until Wednesday, Juno 0th. Check or ten per cent to accompany bid. The city council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. K. W. Nklson, Chairman committee on Grounds. Acute Rheumatism. i Deep tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned by getting wet through; woiso when at rest, or on llrst moving the limbs and In cold or damp weather, weath-er, In cuicd quickly by liallard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Olcson, Gibson city, 111 writes, Feb. 10, 1WW: "A vear ago 1 was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle oi liallard's Snow Liniment cured me " Sold by Iilter Ilros. Drug Co. Thai Tired Feeling If jou aie languid, depressed, Incapable In-capable for work, It Indicates that your liver is out of order. Ilerblne will assist nature to throw of headaches, head-aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore the energies ener-gies and vitality of sound and perfect health. J.J Hubbard, Temple, Texas, Tex-as, writes, "I havo used Ilerblne for I the past two years. It lias done mo more good than all tho doctors. It Is tho best medicine evor mado ror chills and fqver." Ma. Sold by Hlter Hros Drug Co. Curcj Old Sores Wistmoieland. Kans. May C, 1P02: H.ill.ird Snow Liniment Co., Your Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the side of my chin that was supposed suppos-ed to be a cancer. The sore was stubborn stub-born and would riot yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work In short order. My sister, sis-ter, Mi. Sophia. I. Carson, Allcnsville, Mlllln Co. Pa. has a sore and mistrusts that It Is a cancer, Please send her a 50c bottle. Sold by Utter Hros. Drug Co. l)E)oop.K'oiuUro Oregon Short Line R, R. CACHE VALLEY TIMKCAKD No. II. Dally. No. IS. Dally Mixed, 1'uoatello 2I5 p. m 2:30 a. m Halt Lake 4:10 " 11:45 p. ro Otrden Si! " 1:25 CaclioJcU 7:00 5:30 am Mvndon 7:13 " 6:00 " Loiran 7:35 " :25 3mltliflld 7-53 " 7:00 " Itlclimoml 8:01 " 7:42 " Franklin H:23 " Sj 15 All II I Vf I'rMnn N:4I " vilO a, in fOUTH noiINIl , I.KAVT.K. No. 12 Dally. No. in. Dally Mite t'reston 7:10a. in U:40a.ra franklin 7:27 " 10:00 " lllchmond 7:42 " 10:40 " SinltliQold 7:5 " 11:10 " Lovan 8:15 " '..12:50 n. n. Mendon 8:3.1 " lilO " Caclm.Ict 8:50 " 1:35 " AIIIIIVKH Oirdi-n 10:35 " H!00 " Salt Lake 11:15 " 740 " I'lvalelln 45 " l'or further Information apply to w. V. WiMlldo Axeni I The Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. The Overland Limited The Most Luxurious Train In (be World dompartment and drawing-room sleeping cars,, observation cars, dining din-ing cars, buffet-smoking and library cars, with barber, bath and Book-lovers Book-lovers Library; entire train electric lighted, through to Chicago without change. Direct connection for ISt. Paul and Minneapolis Tickets, reservation, an! full In form At ion an be obulnti from C. A, Walker, General Agent, Chicago & Notlh-Westem Ry. 206 South Main Street, hum. Salt Lake City, Urn. I I f Los Angeles Excursions I C AT T Special Low K S Reduced Rates TL -Z, IiatCS' "C PnVC' S i Tickets on Sole T1 A K F P1"S $2'00 f0V S In daily June 1st to L" J- Round Trip. On g Kl September lotli. "POT TTF Sat" Junc 2GUl B B l.onir limit. KUU1E. to July .. K Long Limit. n 1 STOP OVERS IN SALT LAKE CITY. 1 U1 fu S Southern California, Ocean Beaches, Deep ffi ru Sea Fishing, Orange Groves, Yacht g S ing Boating, Bathing. S i i 1 The Trip of a Life Time. 1 Qj Any O. S. L. Agent can Quote rates L'or J'aitlenlais, list of rj H Itcsorts, Hotels, etc, write to J II HlMtTNER, District ffi S Passenger Agent, fealt Lake City, Utah. K B5HE5a5a5B5E5a5a5H5E5H55HE5aEra5E5H5H5H5H5H5ESB5g5B Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tithing Office corner, Logan, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged WHEN GOING EAST WHY NOT ENOY YOURSELF? You will If you travel over the Illinois Cen- tralR.R. IT COSTS NO MORE. The best of service between Omaha, Chi cago, Minneapolis, and St. Paul, as well as between Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and all Southern and Southeastern South-eastern points. for full Information j or literature call on I or write ! J. A. Foley, Com, Agent, 75 W. 2nd S Salt Lake City. Notice to Contractors. Sealed hlds will ho received for building a two room addition to the Melding school house, IIox Elder county, up to Junc I, looo, according I to plans and spcclllcatlon which can I besr-en at the oillcc of J. W. Ilarrett, tirclnieei , Logan, or by calling on the Fielding school trustees, IIox Elder county A certilled check of 5 per cent of amount of bid must accompany accom-pany all proposals. The trustees reserve re-serve the right to reject any and all bids. Hy order of trustees. I T. I Coombs, Chairman. SALT LAKE Cllf DIRECTORY Windsor Hotel Centrally located. South of Ken-yon Ken-yon Hotel, Main street. European plan. Rates reasonable. reason-able. State trade solicited. Rates 50 cents and up. fLlff RUG WORKS IIIOII GItAUK HF.VEIIS11ILE UOOS Jladp from old Carpets. No. 2 Soutli Templo. Pamtililet on application f I I THROUGH SERVICE I TO ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST VIA Missouri Pacific Railway TIIROlViH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS AND MISSOURI Pullman Sleeping Cars, I Observation Dining Cars D Electric Lights Electric Fans I Recllnfcg Chair Cais (scats free) I Up-to-date Da) Coaches. I For Ilerths. Tickets, Fouldcrs-V B etc., address n I H. C.TOWNSEND, I Gen'l I'assengerandTlcketAgt. I ST. LOUIS Have You a Cough A dose of liallard's Ilorehound "! S.tup will relieve It. Have you a ' cold? Try It for w hooping cough, for nstli- j ma, for consumption, for bionchltls. Mrs. .loo McOrath, .'E!7 K. 1st. Street Hutchinson, Kans. writes; "I havo used liallard's Horclioutid Syrup in my family for llvo years, and tlnd lr, tlio most palatable medicine I over used. Sold by Rlter Ilros Drug Co. |