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Show I . President Jos. Worrell Is Called Pneumonia Ends Fatally Thursday Afternoon-, Funeral on Sunday. Joseph Morrcll' piesldent of Cache Stake, and for years a member of one of the strongest business tirras of northern Utah, the Campbell & Mor-rell Mor-rell Co., died athis home In this cltj Thursday afternoon at 5:12) o'clock l'rcs. M'orrell's death was dup to pneumonia pneu-monia following a mental and ner vous Illness of a'ycar or more While it was generally understood that his health was falling, It was not known - by many that death was so near, and CteL, Ills taking away at this time undoubt-J undoubt-J ' cdly comes as a shock to most. President Morrell leaves two wives and twelve children, highly respected families now In deepest sorrow over the loss of a father and husband, who in his family relations was unquestionably unques-tionably all that was loving, tender, and kindness Itself The funeral service will be held in the Stake tabernacle Sunday at 2 o'clock. The remains can be lewed at the Morrell residence between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m on Sunday. President Moriell was past fifty years of age a his death, his birth having taken place'ln London, Fcb.ll, 18.V5. The parents emegrated to Cache Valley when he was but a boy, so that the late President was reared In this valley. He had'the few advantages advan-tages that were part of earlier days here, and what lie was he made himself him-self by force of will. His first Identification Identi-fication with the business life of this city was as a clerk.in the . C. M. l.'s branch here. In 1882 he and It. S. Campbell formed a partnership. The Campbell & Morrell Co prospered and was ever known as ono of the strongest strong-est firms In the city.' In public life Mr. Morrell held various civic and religious positions before his elevation to tho presidency of Cache Stake. He was a member of the state legislature and the Logan city council; he was an active worker in the Y. Si. M. I. A., performed a mission In the southern states, was acting l.ishop of the Third ward at one. time, and counselor to Apostle Merrill when that gentleman presided presid-ed over Cache Stake. Mr. Morrell was elevated to the presidency of tills stake in 1001. |