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Show UOVE OF PEACE TOOK FLIGHT. Tlmo Not R'pe for Even Declaration of a Truce. The latu Judge Hill of Sandwich, N. II., used to toll tho following Btory: Thero weto two old men living In Carroll county who had been bitter enemies for many jears. As the years rolled by, tlmo had a softening effe'et on ono of them, and ho look occasion A) do a generous thing for his onemy. Filled with the consciousness of having hav-ing dono n kindness to his foe, bo called on him and related tho circumstances, circum-stances, and added- "After all, Mr. Blank, I am not the worst man In tho world, am I?" Mr. Blank r.at In gloomy silence during dur-ing tho narrative, and then, looking lurllly nt him, replied: "You may not bo the worst man ever was. but you ro tho worst that I over saw." The whlto wings of peace wcro not thcie that time. |