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Show "ITS OF FAR EASTERN NEWS. Unimportant Compared to That of a Few Months Ago. Says the Korea Dally News: "Onco upon a tlmo Korea had a man-of-war. She was a collier, painted white. Sho was, at 'the outbreak of hostilities laken by tho Japanese as a collier again. Wo have reason to bcllevo that she Is at tho present time rosl-Ing rosl-Ing under some twenty fathoms of dccp-bluo sea. Tho Japaueso minister now has tho effrontery to send tho Korean government 11 bill for tho maintenance of this phantom ship." When the Hrltlsh Invaded Tibet under Col. Younghusbnnd, tho dnlal lama retreated f " I.assa and but little has been heard from him since, e Pekln Times says, however: "A telegram fiom Mongolia reports tho arrival of the dnlal lama at Chlnghal whero ho desliTs to stop for tho winter win-ter and proceed co Tibet In tho spring " According to tho Manila Cablcnows tho Japanese navy has hoisted tho Japaueso (lag over tho Commander Islands, which aro In Ilerlng sen, between be-tween Kamchatka and tho Aleutian islands, tho latter belonging to the Unlfed States nnd tho former to Itus la. Tho Islands nro unimportant and aro only vnliahlo for fishing, having no strategic advar age. |