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Show Rank of Lieutenant General. In nn nrmy no larger than that of tliu United SIntcH tliu grade of lieutenant lieu-tenant general Is KtiporflttciiiB Hitherto Hither-to It liaH been used in n cognition of distinguished mllltaiy burvlce rather than ns a useful or nectHsuiy rnnk In the nrmy. Tho ofllce nmy lie left unfilled un-filled nnel public sentiment Blioulil mnko It Impossible for any president to fill It on nny other ground whatever thnn that of eminently distinguished servlco in ncttinl wnrfnrc. Tho rnnk of lieutenant gencrnl of tho United States nrmy Bhould ho n reunrd for special distinction In actual military service. It need not he nbollshetl, but It should bo kept sacredly by presidents presi-dents ntul by people ns a maik of special spe-cial honor New Yorn Sun. |