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Show "'1- Bogus Doller. Deacon Uiitterworth worked off a doller dol-ler on us last week with a hole In It, Tho Deacon called nnd left n doller for subscription nnd wo was so surprised at him doing this that wo forgot to look at tho doller until ftor ho hod wont. We know suro that wo got It from tho Deacon however for It's tho only dollor wo havo had for qulto n spoil. Wo hnvo been trying to spend It recklessly hero and there over slnco, nut so far without success. Unless wo can work It off on somebody wo deslro 'jo state that wo will stop tho Deacon's p per. Doggono anybody who would tiy to pass a bad doller on a person! "tJIngvll'.o Buglo" Items In Boston Post. |