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Show IS MISSING IN 1 MINE DISASTER II I TERRIFIC EXPLOSION IN PENN i '. 8YLVANIA COLLIERY ENTOMD3 SpT,f MANY WORKERS fcJliJ Fear Exp-essed Thnt Entire Crew Is JOMA Dead; Thousand Men are Engaged f "T In Rescue Work; Deadly Gas '?2 Hlndera Aid ES Johnstown, Pa., Ilotwoon 100 nnd y-.'fll 150 minors nro entombed with nlmost JLjfl ao chnnco ot bolng rescuod nllvo, fol- M lowing n terrific gas oxploslon nt 7:43 I S o'clock Monday morning, In tho num. .9J ttor ono mino of the Rollly Cool com ' S pany nt Spanglor, Pa., 25 mllos north i, fl of hero. ' Tn Word from tho company officials ro- j jB colvod Just botoro noon snld tho mine ifl was still filled with gau and It was tmposslblo to send rescue crows down ,BJ olow. flj Tons of dohrls block the shnft 50: 1 1 fl toot from tho entranco und tho en ' fl tnmbod men nro behind this barrlur j ' fl with all air cut ofT. Lock of air alonn ! ' H will kill tho men in a short tlmo 1 BJ xports sny. j TjH IJoforo noon tho nlr fnns woro re FTI ,ialrod nnd nro again operating but Wj this affords scarcely nny hopo that Vlj any ot tho entombed men will bo tak- , ""H on out allvo. j fl By noon a thousand minora from ffl nonrby points hnd reached tho mini', jf ill they nre equipped with gas masks i 1 11 and at noon thoy began digging furl ' FTI nusly nt tho tons of dohrls tumbled ' I I'M down by tho groat explosion. ll'HS Ilecauso the mine Is still filled with f m gns, tho rescuers aro permitted to ro- W jH main down but a fow minutes at a il W time. 'a' B Tho nhnft is hnlf a mllo doop and w tho scono ot the disaster la about halt , S n mile hack from tho bottoM ot tho I W shaft. Thoro la but ono entrance to ' JLi tho mine. '! , V How sorlous tho debris obstruction ltB Is, behind which tho minors aro trap- ' JEH pod, has not boon ascertained, ; &3h Word of tho dhnstcr spread through ; mm out Cambria .county nnd 'othor ace j (W tlons with igroat rapidity und tolo gim phone advices said that the workors 1 ffl aro rushing to tho mine and relay II crcwo aro making an olTort to roscua jflj tho entombed men whether dead or fl aitvo. i j mM Tlio oxploslon occurred In a shaft, '111 about 50 feet from tho entranco. Tho Vf men are entrapped hohlnd tons of 1 91 dohrls nnd it may bo days botoro thoy 1 Bfl are reached. a jRfl At 10 o'clock gas in tho shaft was S Bj still so denso thnt It wns Imposslblo ,flj to send In rcscuo parties. With tho ' i'flj nlr fans demolished tho re is no way km ot getting tho mon out at prosont ifl nnd nny attompt to entor would moaa j WM quick donth to all who attonrpted IL CflJ A few minutes after tho disaster VflJ tho entranco to tho mine was our- B rounded with ln.ndrcds ot wlvos and Wm children of tho mon down bolow. Wi- tH men wen despornto as tho ward was J apj (lashod about that thoro was not ono ABJ chnnco In a million thnt nny ot tho nil mon could bo rescued allvo. florae ot fl tho womon md to bo rotalnod by ii'fl othors. " fl |