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Show m News Notes H From All Parts of 1 UTAH I IB Fllltnoro Millard county has adopt BB oil the slognn and the program that IB ' corn will foed pica, and tho pigs will IBj pay for tho cowo," BE Ststo iRoad Commission of Utnh IB nlll recnlvc bids for construction of Hfl highway In Morgan County botwoen HB Morgan and 1'otorson. H suit Lake City. Of the 28,2 te BB homes in Suit Lake City In 1020, when fl tho last consus was taken, 12,808, oi Bfl U.3 por cent of tho total, were own ml jflfl by their occupants, and 0,188 of theat Bfl: ownod homos were froo of mortgngo. Bfl A (Tower company contemplating BB tho construction of n plant nt Sodn B rolnt, Idaho, to coat approximately Bfl $2,450,000. Tests now being mndo nt fl tlio Blto do dotormlno construction Bfl problems. 21,000 horsepower to bo do- HI TOlOpod. BB Halt Lake City. In n tin ring day H light robbery n lone bandit held up flflj . tolophono company girl cashlor and BB a cliauffour In front of tho Hylnnd BB etchnngo, Eighth East and Clmse nv BB cnuo, nnd escaped with n payroll total. BB log (1541 In curroncy and car tickets. BB Trlco. Another drop In tho prlco BB of gtisollno Is announcoa In tho retail BJ Prlco ot Easollno in tho Utah-Idnho district la to bo 23 cents a gallon Bfl This drop ot 2 cents Is tho third cut toU tint hna boon mndo this month. With Bfl tills drop gasoline Is lower than it hits boon for flvo joars. Bj Osden. Utah hns greater undovel BJ pcd opportunities than any stato in BJ the union, according to tho statement j of Mnthew Halo, president of the fl Smith Atlantic Marltlmo coroporotlon, BJ with headquarters in Washington, who BJ recently mndo a trip to the scenic BJ spots In nouthern Utnh, In writing to BJ It II. Ilutlcdgo, district forester. BJ Lynndlo Fourtoen hoad of cattle, Bj bsvo boon vlctlmo of rabies recently BJ Suit Lnko City Tho roductlon In BJ federal taxes in the collection dls- Hj trlct of Utah, offoctlvc for tho cur BJ rent year, roach 03 tho sum of $3,010, Hj WH).80, according to n special eurvoy V of tho cancellations and docrenses in 1 tat rccolpts provided by tho rovonue M act ot 1021. fl Cedar City. Tho Iron County Rail- fl ro'111 company has withdrawn its np- rllcntlon beforo tho public utilities commission of Utah for n certificate ot convenience nnd necessity to op-I op-I erato n railroad botwotn. Lund nnd Iron county. Tho Interstate com- inerco commission has alroady grnntod to tho Union I'uclflc system pormls- aton to constmct a branch lino to fl Codnr, which will servo tho samo tor I rltory, Nophl. Tho formal opening of tin ilxtoon mile stretch of content rood J connecting Utnh county and Nephl wns I made the occasion of a big colobmtlon. I Nrh 8nlt Ltiko. ImprovomonU I contemplating nn outlay of $75,000 nro I to bo made In tho near futuro at tho I stodrynrds in North Halt Lako. to caro I for nn oxpocted largo lncrenso in bust noss due to tho opening of the now western livestock exchange in Lbs Angeles. B Spanish Pork, Luko Shore, about toven miles west of hero, hns 'the distinction of having a baby with nine srand paronts. Tho child Is Loon Argy le, 2-months of ago, tho son of Loonal tad Maud Argylo Hollows. I Park City. Shipments from tho Park City district lncrcaaed- to a total I of 4203 tons for tho wbsk Just enalng J s compared with S017 tons for week j beforo. J Ogdon. Chambors of commerco of J u, ntormfluntnln cities will he nskod J to take action ngulnst tho nttompt to Includo tho northorn end of tho Jack son Hole country in tho Yellowstone fl Part roscrvo, nccordlng to tho ndvlcop which woro rpcolvod horo froifi Wyo BB m,nE- St. Goorge. A dry autumn, foljjiw- j Ing a noason In which there was more K than tho usual nmount ot irrlgntlon wator, has led to tho adoption by B Washington county of the practice of IrrlguUng Us ronds. BJ I'rovo Tho rainfall genoral through- J out Dtnh with the exception of the J astern section of tho state, was ro- BB " as u god send by fnrmers nnd BBj vtock mon. In addition to rain BflJ "' fl"St snow of tho sonson made its ('Be Ppen ranee. ''BBJ 8tnntlardvllle. Georgo Herkoloj, 31 .mra ot age, was killed while at work BBj ln tho "-'no of the Standard Coal com H Ptny hy futllns coal. BBj lUchrteld. In tho'llslnore sugar ni factory a record nm was mado when BBJ ' ioi-b of beets woro sliced in twen- J? r-our hours, as comporod with th jBfl "et highest sllco of 012 tons last yoai BBJ d an avtorago of 812 tons last year. jBBj Salt Uk-TwoTralnlonds of Uvo- BBJ ,to:, nnd a Special sleeping car con BK ullhiB a score iiPromlnent livestock BJ mett w Utah andlKu""ounilIng trlbn E '? rolnto, left tar" Angeles whew t rlr andw the fSfnnal Pn,nr BB " ) Aniieu, TjnfigiitooJtnrda. Bfcte-. |