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Show HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT Q r'F NATIONAL GUARD FOR LEHI I A hoadquartors detachmont of tho Utah Nntlonnl Guard will bo established establish-ed In Lohl on Thursday, November 16, 1922. At least It will bo established estab-lished horo as far as stato officials aro concerned. Tho rest Is up to Lohl. Lieutenant Colonel Williams, Adjutant Adju-tant General of Utah; Major W. W. Gordon, U. S. Anny Instructor; nnd Major Hamilton Gardner, Commanding tho 115th Calvary Troop will bo tho spoakcrs at a public meeting at tho High School Auditorium, Thursday night. Thoy will outllno to tho pooplo of Lohl tho general organization of tho troop, tho purposo of organization, nnd tho bonoflts of such an organization organi-zation to both tho town nnd tho individuals in-dividuals that Join tho troop. Providing Provid-ing tbo pooplo can promlso tho required re-quired number of men at that tlmo thoy will bring with thorn a medical offlcor who will examlno tho applicants and swear In tho troop. Tho pay of tho men will start at onco. Tho hoadquartors dotachment of tho roglment Is roally tho oyo of tho fl army. To thorn falls that Important WJA task communication. Aftor tho m fl army is In motion1 It is their duty to H keep tho organization commander In- jl. M formed, by tho uso of radio, talophono, ,J; m telegraph and wlroloss tho position of I M tho enomy and Important facts that ' 4R would enable him to successfully meet - tho situation. By tho aid of horses 4J and motorcycles thoy koep tho varl M ous units In touch with each other. Thoy flguro tho firing data for tho -B artlllory and aid as mossungors. M For such work tho Lehi dotachment jB would bo furnished a romploto radio I outfit, wlroloss telophono, telegraph, H and buzzor Instruments, twb or throo BJ motorcyclos and about four horses BJ with comploto equipment tor all tho -flj enlisted mon. IJ3i Tho mon would bo requlrod to drill ! F 1 ono night a wook for which a private fflHPj would rocolvo $1.15 for tho hour and IFV' halt drill. Drill would consist of )- work with radio, telophono and huzzors 1 pR nnd tho fundmontnls of foot drill. rf M Botoro tho authorities will establish . ' W such an organization hero thoy must rift bo assured of twonty enllstod mon ! f Wi nnd two offlcors, Slxtoon mon havo f 'JM already askod to Join tho organization. ; f'lm It is nocossary to got six moro young f wR mon boforo success ltf assured. : jf M Tho mooting will bo freo to all. m m Everyone is invited whether thoy wish 9 m to Join or not. mi 2 |