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Show FORMER KAISER AGAIOIARRIED SECRECY AND MY8TERY MAIN TAINED AT WEDDING O? EMPEROR OF DOORN Sinter of Bride Passes Self Off As Hermlono In Order to Put Publlo Off Guard; Two Ceremonies Held Doom, Holland. Tho formor Gorman Gor-man omporor, onco nll-hlghcBt of tho emplro, nnd Prlncoss Ilormlono of Rouss woro mnrrlod Sunday at tho house of Dorn, whoro tho lord nbldos In exile. This socond vonturo was ln strango contrast with that day ln 1831 when, ns crown prlnco, ho wedded Augusta Victoria, daughtor ot Grand Duko Frodorlck of Schloswlg-Holstcln. Sovornl of tho offspring of thnt first union woro prosent to sot tho seal of family approval to tho now nlllnnco. Thoro woro two coromonlos, n civil contract drawn up and slgnod by "Wil-holm "Wil-holm II" and "Ilormlono llouss," no thoy nfflxod tholr numos; tho second a rollglou8 coromony conducted by tho formor court chaplain, Dr. Vogol, according ac-cording to Jho Lutheran rights. Tho air ot secrocy surrounding tho ontlro affair has bocn well maintained throughout. The cllmnx of tho (systematic (sys-tematic mystification ndoptod by tho Princess Idn, who rcRomblos hor, successfully suc-cessfully pnssod horsolf off as tho brldo nt tho Amersfoort station Saturday Sat-urday with nn nrrny of castlo cars, whoroas Princess Ilormlono loft tho train nt Apoldoorn, hnlf nn hour cnrl-lor, cnrl-lor, nnd drovo to tho castlo unobserved, unobserv-ed, those within tho vlllago muklng much of Ibis ns n huge Joko. At tho rollglous coromony, which bo-gun bo-gun with tho singing of tho Luthornn hymn, "Josus Ooh Voran," PnBtor Vogol preached from tho toxt, "Now Abldoth Faith, Hopo nnd Charity." Tho bridal couplo occuplod carved gilt armchairs surmounted by crowns, tvbllo tho numerous guests woro seat-od seat-od In rows hohlnd them. "Now tho Joyful dny has nrrlvod," declaimed tho mlntstor, "when his uinjosty and hor sorono highness Join hands." Ho racnllod that tho samo toxt hnd sorvod at tho golden wedding of Wll Han I nnd at tho brldgogroom's own silver sil-ver wedding. "Tho brldo," said ho, "has. loft fnthorlnnd nnd frlonds to unlto hor life with thnt of his majosty, whoso faith hns sustained him In circumstances cir-cumstances which would hnvo drlvon othors to despair." As nn ovldonco of faith, ho pointed out that the "kalsor" conductod religious re-ligious sorvlcos on overy Lord's day In his homo. Ho paid trlhuto to tho virtues Of tho lato empress and Princess Prin-cess Hermlono's formor husband, referring re-ferring to tho "knlsorln" ns tlio ideal of Gorman womanhood. "Lovo each othor ns God loves you, ho admonished, "nnd you shall prevail ovor all ovll roport." Then followed tho rondlng of tlio tnurrlngo sorvlco. Rings woro ox-chnngod, ox-chnngod, nnd tho hymns, "So Nlmm Den Mclno Huendo" nnd "Harro Moln Soolo," woro rondorod., A brief official communication Issued Is-sued lator announced tho civil and rollglous ro-llglous solemnities und montlonod tho numhor of guests ns twonty-olght. Prlnco Henry of Prussia, us senior membor of the family, spoko a fow cordial words, to which thoro wns no response, according to tho Gorman custom, nnd no furthor spooches. Tho duy bognn clear und bright "llohonzollorn woathor" but soon turned to shuwery, and n chilly ruin foil whon tho formor einporor's motor car drovo from the ctvstlo to tho lodge t tho nppolntod tlmo for tho civil coromony. |