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Show H RED CRORS ISSUES CALL FOR RELIEF WDRK Lff9llflHf An urSent appeal for $500,000 fot IlslEflHK relief work In I'uoblo hau been official vBHHH ,y l83Uod, according to advlcos ru- KlHB celvod at Pacific Division Headquart- Inf HH era of tbo American nod Cross. Tho BH appeal was signed by Oliver Shoup, KlflBB Qovornor of Colorado, James L. uflHK Lovern, President Pueblo City Coun- BlflHB ell, and C.L, L, Qann, Presldont IHiHI$ Puoblo Commerce Club. Five hurt- fVfHHff ard thousand dollars is estimated as KwiSH tno lca9t Pss'Dl 8Um to take caro HtiflHH ot rol,of antl rehabilitation work In BfiflSB tno fllrlcken c,ty nna tho public la iKBM called upon to contribute as generous- fnliBH ly as P038,b- (mfUHJl Subscriptions can bo placed In tho HHHK hands of tho local Red Cross chapter, KDHQ 'or transmittal to Jamos L. Flosor, BHffl Dlroctor In charge ot Amorican Hod HbH! Cross Disaster Relief Operations In HHk! Pueblo, BJH 1 Tho oRlclal appeal reaas as follows: HffiH I "Flvo hundred thousand dollars Is HbH I urgently nooded as a baro minimum BHH sum to do most necessary relief and KB 1 rehabilitation work in tho city of BH I Puoblo, according to consorvatlvo and lHR 3 careful estimate. On behalf ot the uBli stricken citizens ot Pueblo, tho under- KH-W-Mt slgnod earnestly appeal to tho gonoro- MHR$ slty ancl BJ"npttthy of tho nation to flBr assist In mooting tho situation which fHIs ,a entirely beyond tho rosourcoB of HHf tho community, by sending in their mil contributions. RIHf "Moro than 1600 families havo al- fMHI ready boon listed by tho Rod Cross IflNH census as being in nood of help. HHH Many of theso havo lost all thoy BHK possess. Those families reprosont an HHR approzlmato total of 7,000 porsons BHm ana tho census is not yet comploto. fHB Hundreds of doaloro, largo and small, iB havo boon paralyzed by tho flood ifH which completely wiped out their HHH stocks and ruined tho buildings In fH which thoy woro housed. Tho damage HH $26,000,000, oxclualvo of loss to muni- is estimated botweon $15,000,000 nnd clpal highways and railroad property. Tho flood victims must bo helped to regain normal economic existence before be-fore the city can return to Ita position posi-tion as a self supporting community. "May we, the undorslgned, urgo tho neod of hasto on tho part of those who can assist, expressing our doop gratofulncfls for tho assistance that may bo glvon. (Signed) Oliver Shoup, Governor of Colorado. James L. Lovern, Presldont, Pueblo City Council, C. L. L. Oann, Prosldont, Pueblo Commorco Club." TWO NEW DISEASES ON WHEAT |