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Show Gowns to Suit the Age ortn nas lately made some effective effec-tive theater costumes for stnge ii' I mean. For example, those created fot Iteriho Hody. This actress Is nntnbly a good dresser and the gowm. worn by her enn nlways he copied, with success, suc-cess, by women who bne passed their first youth. Ilerthe Hndy Is not n very joung woman and she does urn piriend to lie Hint. She Is between thirty and forty, nnd nlways dresses to suit that age. with the result that she looks younger than she nctunlly Is. n)r lt.r Worth designed an exquisite theater or res-tnurant res-tnurant wrap I can confidently recommend recom-mend to my readers, It was of "Slnnon" outline, but In-stead In-stead of the trndltlonnl hood It hud n big box frill at the neck. The muterlnl of this wrap was dull green satin lined with a really cxqulslto silver brocade. The cape was quite long It covered the whole dress nnd It was also very full nnd gathered Into a shoulder yoke. For the snme actress Worth has made an admirable evening dress ' which would he Ideal for n restanrns.t 'Inner. The ilres vn made .if n silver lame anil the design was exceedingly ex-ceedingly simple nn absolutely plain i-owise of rnsnqu'u outline, cut round at. the lu-cl; uud with very short sleeves; i In- waistline was long and the kin was draped up at the sides to ulve u pannier effect. There wits o trimming .vlmtever. hut the slher lame muterlnl was superb, su-perb, supple us cbirron. nnd so rich that It gllMcned as if covered with diamond dust. Pmped evening an, afternoon dre-ses tire very fashionable this sea-sou. sea-sou. These models aro made of satin, lame, embroidered crepe, panne, pallletted tulle nnd many other wldo ly different muterlnls. Sometimes the draperies are arranged to mnkc the skirt look like wide Turkish trousers. It Is a rase of "draperies and yel again draperies." t to ho success, fnl these draperies must he nrrnnged by muster hands, otherwise they loo. simply untidy and without meaning |