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Show 1 Victory In The Silverplated Knife I Can't Wear Black 2 Liko All Others Must and Do K also made in BBb MB Fancy Pieces iB BK E.N.WEBB iB BYJfl Jeweler and Optometrist BbB 9BY "At Tho Qlft 8hp" wMMwi BBS MAIN 8TREET LEHI IBk JSJHtnaU Hollo Htndlt ! I ; in ! 1 I ffifek Takes the nervous strain II W out of -Dressmaking II v wl Have you sometimes had to rip out a carefully sewed seam and do the llfB Nflh ftrt. work all over again ? !1H ' ' i sss'Vi'fj M- Have you ever taken sleeves out and put them in again three or four times yL tft I ''' & (hi 'Vfl before they were right ? Many women have. xfll. " l'i vr V&Mfatfidl Have you bothered over a collar, trying to make it right, until you wished IB SvV Vvl"li wreWlK you had never started the garment ? i, L! Mms rivi " U 'IV TJftyff avc you -"""cd ovcr revers, trying to attach them right and make the tin c x yvtf- HIP I I Ma right connection with the collar ? J JBBi SgR8 jE You need the Dcltor, the Dutterick invention that his revolutioniied fl &!' I iVV t i' T Vtt W c DLTOR takes the nervous strain out of drewnuking. G Sf!l ' n I ' Ififl Ic tells you explicitly what to do and how to do it. 1BBI p7 ' M' ' wvh 1' lv nothing to chance'from the moment of laying the pieces on the BBC S I 'ill' ' " ' -i-AJIW goods for cutting, all through the putting togctherand up to the List finishing touch. iBB AfiPPlfflr THE DELTOR ... m BbBE ll ' ' ' il J 1 1 'v 8UT1P'y a pJcturc-story of each step in making a garment !- . IB 11 VTn'wrtY iTl '' T.lj covc cutting, putting together and finishing. IB--, vt I jrJ l lTJ'"",il Hil tio '' " PrcParc "or cac'1 ncw Dutterick pattern and enclosed in the envelope J tWrp Jj Oi 'd&4 l with the pattern. . JS4 "W It shows how to lay out each piece of the pattern on whatever width of IBr Ml It guards against cutting any piece on the wrong grain of the cloth. I jijttpk v V And with the pieces cut, its directions for putting together are so plain, so I KKLt v. J clearly shown, bo carefully worked out, that collars and revere and sleeves and lf -TjiBb' 1vC everything else go together in a way that seems like magic. , 1 (tamm Only it isn't magic but accuracy, perfect planning, simply followed out by you. 1 ?1flPwi I 11 The DELTOR has eliminated all risk. It means wonderful economy in the cost of your clothes. WmSi It means'style style that reflects the last word of fashion style carried out with a note ofautKority that jV B UtST stamps the garment instantly for its up-to-date character. u ' I jifSiy It means the lovely French finish for everything you make, as the Dcltor carefully explains just how to get that j I BBP matchless French ciTect in finishing special directions for every pattern. I IfiiB The Defter is furnished exclusively with Iiuttcrick Patterns - .:. 8 BR $ Ash at our Iiuttcrick counter . t.'" 1 Iftis People's Co-op. Inst. . p5&f ,jj m " ,cT'' Tho Busy Store on State Street, LqW, Utah ylf2ift&LyJf BB - vJ! IK I r - " " L - "'' r)TT! """"i -" :7rrrL a'nmSSmt.'' aOf , ...J BB t9PB w ' 't MBBBBBBMBLBBBBBBBniiBBBBBBBBBB |