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Show HAM STA JaKjSSBCLDi Local Items Manyard Drlggs of Kuroka, was visiting Lohl friends Monday. Sugar $0.70 snckT Flour ?1.SS at People's Co-op. n(jv ' o Mrs. Annlo Cunnlngton of Park ny, spent Sunday hero with relatives. rela-tives. a Drs. II. D. Chrlstonson nnd W. L. worllon nttonded tho Stnto Dental Convention and Post Graduate classes class-es at the University of Utah this week. Polarlno oils, Polarlno cup groeso nnd Mobllolls nt Peoplo's Co-op. adv. o - Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Rnckor nltend-od nltend-od the Rankers banquot nt Salt Lake Friday evening. o A son and holr arrived nt tho home Jf Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dorton Saturday. All .concerned- arc rojolcing over tho now poultrvr 5n -o Every ror your fishing trip at People's CoKp. adv. SUNDAY SPECIAL Rrick Ico Cream, 75c per brick. H. Pv Hardy Confectionery. adv. Tho Wo Aro Eight girls enjoyed a lovely Saratoga trip. A dainty luncheon lunch-eon was served and bathing enjoycl. o Mrs. Jesse Wobb nnd fnmily of Malad, Idaho, spent last week here at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klrkham. Sugar $C70 sack, Flour I1.G5 at Peoplo's Co-op. adv. Mr. and Mrs,. (Georgo jGarff and family of Salt Lake, wero tho Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Knudsen. Highest grado corrugated garden hose nt People's Co-op. adv. Mrs. Millard IJoberts entertained tho D. D. Club at a kenslngton yesterday yester-day afternoon. Dainty refreshments were enjoyed. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl T. Jones, and baby, of Moreland, Idaho, spent the week-end hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones. Look this list over Panama Hats, Soft Shirts, Palm Reach Suits, White Canvas Oxfords. A swell assortment at People's Co-op. adv. Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman and baby of DIackfoot, Idaho, aro visiting with Mrs. Chapman's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Gilchrist Miss Gerda Young of Moab, and Mrs. Ward McCarty of Salt Lako, were visiting hero Thursday, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hammer. o-. A new lot of fancy silk sox nnd Pongee silk shirts for the Fourth nt People's Coop. adv. Mr. and Mrs. James Rogan and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Glbbson of Dingham, wore tho Sunday guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Hammer, o Cheeso 20c pound, oil sardines Cc, mustard sardines 10c, ono pound tall salmon 10c, barrel ginger snaps '25c nt People's Coop. ndv. Miss Nelda Rachelor will lcavo this week for an extended visit to Provo. Mtas I.avom Peterson hnd her tonsils ton-sils reinored at the local hospital. Jacob Brans oTsalt Lako was the Sunday gtiett of Mr. and Mr. W. K. Raokor. Miss Vera Monnofoo, of Texas, spent last week here tho guest of Miss Ruth Osterloh. Swell New Panamas, Just the thing for tho Fourth of July, $2.60 and f 2.98. People's Co-op. adv. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlos Fox of Salt Lako, woro tho Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox. Cheoso 20c pound, oil sardines 5c. mustard sardlnos 10c. ono pound tall salmon 10c, barrel ginger snaps 2Gc nt People's Co-op. adv. Everything for your fishing trip at if People's Co-op. ndv. '. o Mr. Carl Poarson Who Is omployed ; ; at lloltor City was hore visiting rela ' lives. Miss Jonnlo Welsh roturned from : Springvlllo where sho has boon visit- ) ing. o Whlto Canvas Pumps and Oxfords ; to fit from baby up. People's Co-op. o- SUNDAY SPECIAL Brick lco ; Croam, 78o per briok. 11. P. Hardy ; Confectionery. ndv. : Miss Lola Matidsloy was visiting : horo Sunday with Miss Arema Good- : win. i Arthur Shaw of Draper, spont ': Thursday hero with his parents, Mr. : nnd Mrs. Hugh Shaw. o A now modern bungnlow Is under ; construction for Henry SorenBon. It ; Is located on 3rd West Streot, Just I north of Cth North. Mrs. J. C. Russericft for St. John :.! for a short visit. Mrs. Sarah Klrkham ; accompanied her to Salt Lako City. :j Sugar IC.70 sack, Flour $1.55 nt Peoplo's Co-op. adv. S Miss Trilla Rolfo Is taking her vacation from tho Rackor Morcantllo this week. Miss Rolfo is visiting in Vernal with rolatives and friends. Mrs. William Forrest returned to her homo in Hrighnm City, Sunday, after visiting hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rhodes, for sovoral weeks. o "Go and Got It," big special picture tonight at regular prices. ndv. Tho Misses Josephine Merrill and LaVorno Klrkham hod aB their guests Sunday, tho Misses Lea Chip-man Chip-man and Helen McCleary of American Fork. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. WofTinden roturned ro-turned Sunday from Fish Lako whoro they spont tho last week. They reported re-ported tho trip being very much en-Joyed. en-Joyed. "Go and Got It," big special picture tonight nt regular prices. adv. A very enjoyable dancing party was given nt tho homo ot Yvonna Petor-son Petor-son In honor of Melba Cook TJf Cedar Fort, Thoso present woro: Melba Cook, Bertha Bradsbaw, Arvllla Watson, Arlccn Goodwin, Dorothy Carr, Uccn Webb, Graco Wells, Margaret. Cox, Yvonna Peterson, Stnnley Goodwin, Morris Roberts, La-Grando La-Grando Gudmundscn, Blalno Lott, Ralph Hutchings, Lorln Goatcs, Byron Whipple Dale Cutler and Warren Goatcs. Tho ball room was decorated In pink nnd white rosos, dainty refreshments re-freshments were served and nil pros-cnt pros-cnt had a delightful tlmo. Cheoso 20c pound, oil sardlnos 5c, mustard sardines 10c, one pound tall salmon 10c, barrel ginger snaps 25c nt Peoplo's Co-op. ndv. Tho Misses Sybil Winn, Pearl Southwlck and Eula Evans entertained Saturday ovonlng In honor of Miss Ora Lott, a brldo of this week at tho Evans residence. Tho rooms woro very boautlfully decorated with a color schemo of rod nnd whlto carried throughout. Crystal basket filled with Juno roses, nnd Kowplo dolls docoratcd tho luncheon tables. Mrs. Hyrum Blnckhurst sang "Lovo Hero Is My Heart." Thoso present woro Mrs. LoRoy Lott, Mrs? M. Evans, Mrs. Hyrum Blnckhurst, Mr. Mark Clark, Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mrs. Horbort Austin, Aus-tin, Misses, Lelth Whipple, Freda Lott, Josephine Morrill, LaVorno Klrkham, Rotta Cutlor, Blanch Hertoll, Hortcnso Evnns, Edith Evans, Ruby Klrkham, I Alta Austin. , |