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Show i.ii QUICK CHANGES IN PARIS MODES Extreme Novelties Are Suddenly Produced for Purpose of Making Sensation. CHIEF AIM IS BECOMINGNESS Women of Refined Taste and Social Position Demand Dresses That Are Free From Undue Eccentricity. At recent race meetings In the Bols de Uoulognc, writes a I'urls fashion correspondent, we huvo had an excellent ex-cellent opportunity of reviewing present pres-ent day fashions; Indeed It would bo more correct to say "present-hour," because nt this season of the year fashions change very frequently. Ux-trema Ux-trema novelties nro suddenly produced for the purpose of making a sensation and a good advertisement for some particular dressmaker. As frequently pointed out, tho general gen-eral outline remains graceful nnd simple; that Is to say, tho dresses worn by our more cxcluslvo I'arlsl-enncs, I'arlsl-enncs, also by American women of refined re-fined taste and assured social position, aro perfection Itself, free from unduo eccentricity and essentially becoming. IJut then wo hnvo other nnd widely different fashions which nro freely exploited ex-ploited by daring young nctresscs and by women who Uko to Mud themselves the center of a wondering crowd. One of the New Models In Navy Dlue Taffeta, Black Satin Waistcoat Worked With Red, Green and Yel. low Woo' Theso remrknble costumes ore ulso created to please a certain typo of Amerlcnn buyer who Insistently de-nmnds de-nmnds "something quite new and sensational." sen-sational." At tho races one realizes that longer long-er skirts have really become popular. The Parlslcnncs have been slow to consent to tho added Inches; In New Vork the dresses were ankle length, when over hero. In France, tho majority ma-jority of women woro dresses that cut the lower limbs half way between line and ankle. Kven now there nro many very smart I'arlslennes who actively ac-tively object to long walking dresses. Sly personnl opinion Is that the latest models by Puul Polrethnve had much to do with this fight against tho added add-ed Inches. : At the beginning of the season Polrct launched models which were nt one anil tho same lime long und full. Women quickly reullzed Ihut this outline, out-line, though quaint und picturesque, was not generally becoming; It called for a special type of womun and It rarely suited young girls. Perhaps this was why so many of our best dressmakers tho renl uulo-cruts uulo-cruts of the rue de In Palx have decided de-cided to retain tho beautiful straight outlines of Inst year while adding width, actually, to the hem of the skirt. The reason Is not easy to discover, dis-cover, but the fact remains. Paquln, Worth, Doucct. Doeulllet nnd others nro showing lovely models which resemble thorn of yesterday, but which hnve much more materlnl pressed Into their composition. At the fashionable race meetings ono sees the most wonderful hats and toques. Quite amazing arrangements of paradise plumes, uncurled ostrich fenthers and aigrettes the lutter as a rule artlllclal and cleverly made of fine horse hair. There Is Just now a craze for bushy feathers, which make their wearer look like a savage chief In full war costume. cos-tume. Theso feuthers ulways uncurled un-curled and struggling are placed In two or three rows round the brim of the hat or toque uud allowed to fall over the eyes. A curious fashion, but one which hns caught on to an alarming extent. Ietls Is trying to make us accept very wlite-brlinmed satin and straw huts, which have low crowns and scanty trimming; the genuine "picture lint" which used to be so dear to the heart of the artist "Drlnn." These bats will be Immensely popular when the seaside season Is In full swing, but for J'nrls (hey seem a trifle too remarkable. re-markable. As a matter of fact they are not really so remarkable as tho small toques covered with straggling aigrettes ai-grettes nnd feathers, which are now so generally worn, but tho big "plcturo" shapes are unexpected. It Is quite a long time since we have worn them. . Short Jackets Popular. The growing popularity of short Jackets Is something that must ln taken Into consideration. They are shown In all tho best dressmaking studios nnd It Is certain that they will become very populnr. Many of theso little garments are of Urcton outline. Almost exactly Uko the little coats worn by flreton peasantsthe peas-antsthe men on Sundays and holidays. holi-days. Very simple, rather wide at the hem, finished with long sleeves of pagoda nutllno and open In front. I hnve seen Jackets of this order chez Paquln, Deer nnil Itedfern; they are distinctly original, but I do not consider them very becoming. Nevertheless Never-theless they must be tnken Into serious seri-ous consideration hecmisc they arc going go-ing to he generally worn. A model created by Itedfern was worn nt the I.ongchninps races. It was very simple In outline, hut un-tisunl. un-tisunl. This was a genuine Breton model and It Is .one which will bo very fashionable a little later on In linen and shantung for wearing with organdie muslin dresses, tho little ronteeo being In bright colors nnd decked out with n little fine braiding or embroidery on neck nnd sleeves, Of course on the genuine llrcton models there Is no embroidery only a narrow binding or braid all round the hem nnd up the fronts, hut tho shorj ennts of the Immediate futuro will he ornate, nnd they will look exceedingly ex-ceedingly chic nnd attractive when combined with flounced and niched frocks mnilr of white organdie muslin or washing crepe. |