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Show gIsioeii asks -f OR GOAL PROBE Kin follows request of iwers for reopening of wage question. E3 Is Taken by Chief Executive lJHu Anthracite- Miners Aro Morally Dound to Accept 77sHw Report of Commission. li i &R,llnEton. I'reslilcnt Wilson hna jlV BBSccrc,nry ' L4oor Wilson to SViBRfnn Invostlgutlon Into tho sltun I Hiss? "10 nntIiraclt0 C0llJ fields. Tho J t"JE' WI1H tnkcl1 ln rosiioiiHO to a telo-Wic telo-Wic request from tho United Mlno a. s5E?rs ' An,erlca that tho wngo Vlplta'dullhorntloiia bo reopened. It " JR!&st'"mtctl tlmt n luniaII(1 for - ig'jK.increaso ln addition to those SSSed by tho nnthruclto coinmlssloii Mfco filed. jTmjthu president Ihih already tnken Amiind tlmt tho unthmclto miners JmimoTtMy bound to ncccpt tho recent jAgS-f tho coinmiHsIon, his action la Jgipgled no significant. JPJaiiHwerlnff the nnthrnclto miners' "Kb"' threat to "go on vacation" If "jpfiei'ort of tho commission was uc- 4Bmi, Sir. Wilson exprebsed tho bo- -JfaMhal tho cntlro principle of collcc- igpargaInlDs depended on tho ob- rBppfice of contractu by tho miners. ihWk understood that the president Is gg&ceklng Information from tho do- Hfient of labor preparatory to defl Hmctlon. This may take tho form KfSpclnmntlon on tho principle of col HjMe bnrgolnlng as It affects work- tjtfPfn ln all lines. The Wlilto Houso tBed to give an Intimation of Us |