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Show Resourceful Prevaricate Lmirushlrc man, who was afraid hlH wife, arranged to go to thoracea ih woniu friends, nnd explained to I Hint he was going Ashing. On his .iy he rolled nt n fish shop nnd asked proprietor to send somo fish homo, -h vns very senrco that day, and a of toils heads wero delivered. When ibhy returned homo, after an enjoy-If enjoy-If tliiiu. he snld to his wlfo: Well. hiss, did you get tho fish 1 I Mill?" 'I got n lot of cods' hends," was her v. i.Milte right," was tho retort. "You r nv Hiirh tlsli n your llfo as wc I to inrkle- lodiiy. Before you could l fin. you jiml to pull their bloom-hernia bloom-hernia offr London Answers. |