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Show The W. S. A. Ball. The ono w ho lias charge of the weatber mutt be down on this association n .Monday witnessed the worst snow storm wobavobad tbU winter consequently there was not n very large attendance at tho ball. Tho liouso had boon decorated for the occasion, and suitable mottoes appeared on tho wills. It was the woman's night nnd the poor moil had to put on their sweetest tnulles or be a "wall floer." When Marshal Karren had tho audacity to present n bill for llccnso ho was promptly hustled out and when the woman's champion President Gaddio, gave her speech at iiitormlssinn sbo bad the house decided (list n license should not be paid, and convinced Hit nudlenco that the women were in It foi one night nt least. It w , a social; sih-ces sih-ces but wo lire not , ,ted regarding Un financial part, 4 |