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Show I" . RAISE GOOD BKETST Some Good Advice from abroad. -j INSTRUCTIONS OF MR. GIRD 1 ; May be profitably applied in -t, this district. t Wo clip tlic following from tho Olilno V til Icy (California) Champion thinking ( it might bo interesting to tlia farmers. "Tlio following are tho general IiiKtruc-tlons IiiKtruc-tlons tutted by Richard Olrd to tlio farmers far-mers of Chlno for gttldanco In tliclr beet I' ' farming operations. Thoy will hoof in- , tcrcst to nil wlionro studying tlio licet mtgar industry: riiKrAiusu tiik eon,. In preparing tlio soil for sugat heels it is of tlio utmost importance to liavo it In a thoroughly pulverized condition, to nt least a depth of from eight to twelve inches, being rareful not to turn up too much new cold toil to the surface, but each successive, year the plowing could bo run to a greater depth to bring up fiesli soil to bo nrcatcd. Twelve Inches should bo tho minimum depth nt the third year'o cultivation. ciniNO ron soil ucronc sr.r.mMi In order to Insure the gcrminntion of gi tho seed, the laud should he plowed nnd II harrowed for somodayt) beforo the seed K is planted, In order for tho land to bo- Jn come settled and packed, allowing the I moisture to raise and thoioughly distri ct buto Itself near the surface. There arc i aomo soils w hlcli would bo very much b . bcnelltted by running n eubsoiler In tho 1 depth of four, flvo, or six Inches below gi tho bottom cf tho surfaco plow, nnd to H) looccn u and glvo tho roots n rlinnco to 1 4 pciivlruto without turning tlio cold soil ii tc tho surface. The spring plowing J. Bhould bo shallow and tho ground well I harrowed down nnd left to sottlo before l) planting. . BLKMKU. if Tho socd should bo sown in drills, I' fiom 18 to 20 inches npart, with from 1- I to 18 pounds to tlio acre. Tlio seed must ft" be covered witli from an Inch to un iuc'i ,1 v nudnhntfof enrth, according to tho Hi coudltlon of tho inolsturcof the soil ami must lie sown equally deep cverywhe ro, Mk&.V '" this being tho only means to insure JBift- -m 1 1 " tiiuai growtnr""" .V. ... . V"t S . como up nt the Bnmo time. This Is o Mb tho utmost importance and should not M bo neglected, und iti sow ing care should bo taken that tho seed leaehes the m moist earth and is properly coveicil. 9jj THINNING. M Tho beets should bo thinned as soon a posslblo after they are fairly up, to n 1 .Hstancoollromslxtotwelvo inches In 1 thorow.accorilnglotliosoll. In the 1 richer, moist lands thudlHtnnco between I the rows should bo les npd tho beets I closer toother In tho row, unci vice ver- 1 M In tho dryer, lighter soils. This work i of properly thinning is of tho grcate.it W importance, and under no consideration 1 should It bo neglected beyond tho pro- 1 per time, as tho elfcct would bo to reduce both quantity and quality of tho beets, nro should bo taken in thinning to leuvo tho strongest nnd most vigorous ( plants, and to remove tho weeds thor- oughly from tho row for nt least two nnd i a hnlf Inches on each side. CULTIVATION. I Cultivation should commence with the horso hoc cultivator as soon ns the beets arc sulllclcutly up to odmlt ol the rows being followed. This can bo dono sometimes beforo thinning, paitlculnnly if the soil is in good, uniform, mellow condition. Tho cultivation should i . repeated threoor four times, or n often ns tho weeds show themselves; nnd Un-ally Un-ally tho ground bstwew tho rows should, Ik cultivated with chisel teeth, in order to leave the ground looa to n considei ablo depth at tho llnnl cultivation. IIIAUVBHTINn. Vlicn tho UcIh ate ilpc, nccordlngto tho tests miule at the factory, nnd are ordered in, they should bo plowed or milled out fiom ths sround by a spec al imminent. Then with a sharp knife the tops, with tho leaves, are cut ou arm loft on tho ground nan fertiliser to lie plowed in. Tlio beets hnving Khmi thiowii in piles, are ready for delivery, and should bo picked up in UUl nd loaded onrefully out.) wagons, in order to j avoid too inuchdlrt, or In some Initnm-ei i atones being taken to the factory, w h eh I add to tho tare and aro othorwUu ubjec. tlonnblo. Kadi farmer Bhould take tin I ,,,,, syiuch!uaetcriM i laud MmMMHMm 11 bbbbbbbbbH ground just beforo planting, ha -rowing thoroughly after tho second plowing. In tho enso of moist nnd scmi-molst land tho deep plowing should bo done as soon ai posilhlo after tho beet harvesting is finished; this is important and must be carried nut. The Chlno bco farmers liars had .1 ycarsotparloneo, lntny o! them being qulto expert iu tho business, and deserting deser-ting great credit for what thoy have so far accomplished. Beet culture Is, however, how-ever, the study of a lifetime, and perfect per-fect excollenco can only bo attained by constant study nnd comparing results from cacti yaar's experience. Tho beet sugar factory at Alrarado, owned by K. II. Oyer & Co., finished its fonson'B work on the20th of Dsrcmbor. The output from September to date of dosing was -1,500,000 pound) of sugar. The beet product worked up amounted to 21,000 toiiB. A stockholder's meeting of the Am. helm Cooperative Itoet Sugar On. was held on Tiusday, nt which tlmo the cap-It cap-It tl stock of the corporation was increased increa-sed from (400,000 to 1760,000, and a bonded Indebtedness in the sum of f 100-000 100-000 "was nuthorlzed. E. V. Oyer of Al-varado, Al-varado, who has tho contract for the erection of the factory, wns present, and assured tho farmcis that tho factory would bo built this year, nnd in tlmo to ork up their crop of beets. |