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Show il . J. '"' " -'J ' 1 AwardGcl Highest Honors-World's Fair, DRPPIPF'C an 1 ran i 1 bf fc USOaPowdeK Tlie only 1'ure Cream of Tartar Towdcr. NoAmmonlajNo Alum. Used iii Millions of. Homes do Years the Standard. Dusiness Briefs. Chlldrens Coats at Trano's. Coll nt Tranes and get a Diary for '04, Trano has Men's and Roy's Clothing Cheapest in town. For tho best nnd cheapest underwear go to People's Co-op; n complete stock FOR SALE A 5 acre pasture, fenced and 1 lot at Lehi Junction byT.F. Trano A choice lot of boys clothing came in tliis week nt the Co-op. Largo nssorlmcct' of tinware, hand-ware, hand-ware, etc. at tho Co-op. When you want Lump coal Vut eeal or Mlno slack by tho ear cull on Transfer good figures. Peoples Co-op soils clothing cheaper than nny other bouse in Utah. Atrial will conviucs)ou of tho fact. A school of education. Dogs and birds with Martin nnd Joseph's consolidated Vaudeville Co. GarfTe Hall Jan, 11-12 A 13. Dont look around for three or four days for cheap goods, but call ntonce at Peoples Co-op and you will feel like smiling nt tlio bargensjou beon getting. Tnko your prescriptions to tho Union Drug Store and hnvo them prepared by n licensed Drtiggitt. Win. Karl the Musical Phenomenon with Martin and Joseph's consolidated Voudcvillo Co. GariTs Hall Jan. 11-12 A 13. Tliis gentleman plays 10 Instru ments nt onco nnd tbo same time. EJfiT"Fnpor8 will bo forwarded ttntilcx-pllcit ttntilcx-pllcit orders is recieved by tho publish er for their discontinuance, and until payment of nil uirfflrnji Is mads, as required by law. Will Positively Appear. Tho originnt Martin tho Wizard will glvo nn entertainment in connection with Martian A Joseph's consolidated VnuduvllloCo. Jan. 11-12 A 13. GarfTs Hull. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's rlr Highest Medal and Diploma. A High Liver Usually basn bad liver. Holsbilioue Constipated, has indigestion nnd dyspepsia. dyspep-sia. If there is no organic trouble n few loses of Parks' Sure Cure will tono him up. Parks' Suro Curo is tlio only liver nnd kidney euro wo Boll on n, positive gunrmiteo. Pricofl. D. E. Klllngson The World's Fair. Can not remain sucli without the blooming look nnd radiant complexion which health alone imparts. Parks' Ten, by clearing tlie blood of impurities makes the complexion regain the hue of youth. Rather Steep Thnn tnko in nny other form is what many pcoplo think nnd Parks' Tea is mado for just those folks. 1 1 cures con-stipatiou con-stipatiou and though not a cathartic moves tbo bowels every day. J 1 J nWWWWl lllllMWWIIWBippWWMe1l'ill WWMH'ii -- li STOCK Jon Kl m mmW iZ- Will be the next thing to figure on at the x peoples' G-0pefative jpstitutiop And in order to make it an easier job than usual we offer the following euf ip ppjeEs for ttie next two weeks , Former Price Reduced to ,,,AxrT-,, 1 , , WE PAY FOR 1 5c a yard 1 7 l-2o 60o a yard , Sfl-So OATS SI a lOO 76c a yard 60c --,tw . r-7 . i B, , nn Wlieat 7og a bus 86c a yard GOo 1.00 a yard 70 ' 1,25 $ 1.35 a yard 1.00 Bed Spreads I """" 7ooco.oo Main Store State St, Gmghams. Branch " Main St 10c to 15$ now71-2o Many other things at the same VVJYL. hi. JrvAUxvJQjJK, Reduction. I SUPERINTENDANT. F, AUERBACII and BRO. lie Mi M in li ih Sly. For Fine Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies & Ohil-drens Ohil-drens Shoes, Fancy Goods, Cloaks & Suits, Linens, Childrens & Boys Clothing, etc., etc. Wc are having a Special Sale of Cloaks. ell 1 AH Teirtx.BATi!r.iihU'iifi A ' rz? blsek Military Csps with Hi nCeurWick fur tln.a R r'rr ' ' v(l UMr.dtof.itflltntcioihnn.i u.tu. fur edged Worth Collar. t t4.rV5, I"3.ll",h I" Mail onler cn . ,n . W ." tar my tltc tnmil m II trorth e.M. kuidr4fl A msgnificent llnont Misses' elegant jl llti f U(ast Mick MmpW jtckeu, in fur tHinunod or plain VTiater Wt-lt.M.M.rsrmttljriMldlroniM to Hi at Jcket for 46.00; sges 12 (o 18 " '. ., , , ... . . yenrs. They are good "tslus st T Mtitlrut In eie Jiekets, edjtdijj .,,,! 4tk Btri Bt Fur -orth V'toxiJ. S.OO to flU.BX MO Tan Cape Jsekets, very stylish, Children's fine Ilesvy Reefer Jicksts with fur edged Worth Collar tor i.7B. nt 96e, worth 3.00 to ,09, ix Very stylish full skirt JacUta' braid sls and fi. trimmed, witnTuxcdoCollarforU 1.00, ,143 Children's Long Coaleswitn pe, worth S0,0O. The latest effect. in dark shades, at U-M, worth Nobby Velour Cape with fur edged t.75; "gos'0, 12, M. ButternyCollarforU4.CS,orth0.00 22 Children's extra fine hT7 600 Koreliy Jaekets to bo sold for 0 to ! Reefer Jockets st?l.Sj ages i to SO, worth positively 40 per cent more, j 6. """WW WTfc lT ONE LOT OF nr-ACK MTJFFSrOR 2e w a h If iv 0f,E I-0T 0F FUU ,1UAH FOU 1-'0- I 9 11 11 CHILDREN'SWIIlTEANCiOKAFURSETerORIl.M J M KJ 0SE LLNJ! 0F nLACK HUFrS FOR 861;. Mail orders promptly filled at advertis cd Tn j,VDL STABLE Kl-I M p 1B5TEL CJIra'l Boiicife Yovuf SSO Patronage , BEET PULP . Tihe Best Food for Stock. j FQH SALE AT O0e h WM J While the Factory is running. f '" i Subscribe For THE LEHI BANNER Sugar News Local News. V- - h vT County,-News, Ann Gret The- T ' General News. Mining News. Of Interest to all. PapifnefsLive Stable, j Bosi Horses and Bi-ggys Day oe Wigk t ESEHas mm m the ouwmTw Jill Icinda of Coal dolivorocl from th Co-op; good weight guaranteed, iX.l to CitjJ Hall, M.-hj Sfcreal, loki. WANTED AT ONCE! At the office of the Every person that lives in the North End oi Utah Cornty to keep posted as what is going in this section. Tliis Jthcy cannot do unlesk they subscribe for The Lehi Banni.R, the only paper published i ike northern portion of this county, This is a matter that needs TOUR PP.CTPT ATTENTIONS Subscription $2.00 per year. Six months $1.25. Call on or nddrcsr LEHI BANNER, Lehi, Utah TAKE "TTiAfp AT Beck's Saratoga Spripgs On (lie west sliorc of Utah Lake, live miles from tclii. Largo plunge baths Thesc s')rins wondetv Q &Q tub batllSs M me(,icinaI Prl)Cltiwas many " people in Lehi can testify, fer T A TTTQ 9kO Rlieumatisin and diseases of the JjllXllO MXJ skin it has no oqual. i A pleasant ride and a plunge in these J health-giving wators will cure M THAT1 TIRED FElElLJNC M |