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Show Ladles, Investigate OurTrculmcnt. JIr. 1'., of IlufTnlo, N. Y , nyod !l J f", suffered with painful and irnir lnr Menstrtiatlon for ocr Jl jenrs. Time cjiochs wero preceded with violent nms In tho lolna and tho lower part of tne stomach, pocrc heailnihcx and great nervous exLltcment. In (licpf ron.llllmip alio look' Dn. w Jo ,m fiiiuous pre rip-tlon rip-tlon in tlio doso of ono dipHiilo In tho morning and ono at nlht. On tin second day tho inntrii,ii (low became regular and easy, and tho pains in the loins and Btomach wcro greatly reduced. Tho next month tho flow wnH abundant and produced no pain or sickness whatever. what-ever. Tho patient now is n happy mother mo-ther and is completely cured. Any lady who will send us (.LOO for one mo nth'i treatment may bo convinced of tho happy results she vlll derive. Wo give n written gtmanleo to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, In two treatments or rotund money. Bend nil orders or Inquiries to "I.ady M.inugor, Salt liAKit Medicine Co,, Bait I.nko City, Ulah. Lady representative wanted everywhere N. 11. A trial treatment sent on receipt of (2.00. |