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Show City Council Pioceedineo. Thoc'tly rouncil met Tuesday night. Trescnt Mnor KIDngson councilois, Robctts', Kvnns, Powell, A l)lt. Pniyer by councilor Lott. Minutes of the piov-lous piov-lous meeting read aid itpp oved. Samuel Sam-uel Taylor presented uei'iion ntk'ng that tlio liccnco of tbo W. S. A bo roi'un-ded, roi'un-ded, g-au'.ed. Pctblon ot AVm. Soiwli-wlck Soiwli-wlck asking Hint tbu llccuco for the old folks danco bo rciniiled, trnntvil. The Maishall picsc.iied petition for the Civil Government Class asking that tlio class bo allowed to uso tbo Court Room on Saluidr.y iiighis when not occupied by tbo band, ginnted. Tlio following rommittccswere oppoin ed: Judiciary; Evans A Roberts. St'tctsA allevs; Evans & Pom ell. Claims; Eviiuh A Lott. Police; Powell A Itt. Public g-ounds; Meais and Loil. Finance! Roberts. Licenses; Poell it Kobe' is. Quarantine defcrcd. Ex Mn.-thel Thomas p.-esented petition asking for pav for extra police service refercd to committee on Halms. Ex Mayor Evans p'cscnted a bill asking for 7.60forscrviccsrcndoredon the revision of ordinances, g'antnl. Atloineyl). J. Tliu.man p'esonted n ltlll for $3.IW for sorvioes, K'a'ntcd. Ex Mnor Emuis A J. 1). Gaddio ))ctlioin(l Hint the Ex Marabel bo allowed $'0.00 to pnv for borso feed while looking up entrnyntcick, refered to committee on oliri. (ivoN. Child Ex Recorder presented ah 'I of the Enquiror asking for i.77.02 fur paining doneonthe Revised Onllnsmes, rtforred to committee on claims. , Appo'ilnifiils: Mr. Albert Wall was apnointed Estrny Pound Keeper. Jrsso Smith Road SttperA-isoi1. Win. Rolf Scaler of Wolgbts and Men surep. Adjourned for two weeks. Prnyor Ity Councilor Evnns. A New Judge. Washington, I). C, Jim. ft, ISfH. Judgo Zano's successor us Chief Jtnt. Ice of Utah was mimed to-day, in tlie person of Colonel Snimiel A Mtiritt of Salt Lake, tlio left lower of Utah's reorganised re-organised Democracy. Tlie nomination has been expected fur nino months past and surprised no ore. Daligato Raw Nns mulied at once to the telegraph office and w Ired bis congratulations congratulat-ions uud sebsequeutly said that be felt ilrstrateoverhlsapointmeut. If Colonel Merritt docs not turn things loose at the Alta Club to-night, with elder nud i c-mlnlsccnrrs c-mlnlsccnrrs of California, wo miss our guess nt tills end of the line. Frank Harris got tlie Receivership in tlio S.ilt Lake Land Office. That, too suited Dcllgato Raw litis, wltois bcginlng to wonder why in the woild he ever spot ii that resignation. It was expected that the names of the Postraastom at Ogden, Prooand Park City would go In, but tiny toiled Mo matcrinllxe. |