Show wives for tobacco in tho the early settlement of virginia when tho the adventurers wore principal ly unmarried men it was deemed noc necessary essary to export such women as could be prevailed upon to quit eng land as wives for tho the planters letter accompanying one of these mafe ri rimon montal lal shipments dated ondon dondon I d aidt gust 12 1621 says we send you in the ship ir v and eleven maids as wives for ifft th 1 i people of virginia virgin la there hath bath baban especial car care had bad in the choice oli them for there hath bath not one of abey theny been received but upon good becom lons ions there elre are nearly fifty i more that are ready to 10 come coma cpr app the reimbursing of charges charge it la Is jor dered that every man tb that a si mari mar biff them give ono one hundred pound 9 Q of best leaf tobacco for each of them I 1 kirkland commercial and busas Anac dotan |