Show CRIME OF CANADIAN FARMER seeks revenge in diabolical manner tyl tying ng girl to horns of cow winnipeg man alan peter G hanson a farmer at grierson Gr lerson eighty miles northwest of winnipeg Is sought by the manitoba police who accuse 11 him im of tying a young woman to a cows cowa horns maggle maggie Wa barauski the daugh daughter ter of it a neighbor la Is seriously injured perhaps fatally as a result the story sent here Is isto ito the effect that hanson alanson who was waa enamored with the girl became angry at her coldness and threatened revenge this revenge la Is said to have consisted of knocking the girl unconscious and binding her firmly across the animals horns the cow took fright and dashed into the bush tearing off t the 11 e y young oung womans comans clothes against the trees rees when the animal became exhaust exhauster 4 it felli fell and the girl was crushed against the earth she was trampled under the cows cowa feet when it attempted to rise neighbors hearing the screams inthe anthe weds fut ut the girl L w r loose abose |