Show 1 ca BROS B all bearing Be arini long wearing k the typewriter without a speed limit the escapement of the L C smith permits the carriage to get away from the last printing point so instantaneously that no speed of opera j tion ishoo is too rapid the hair trigger touch of the ball bearing type bars a carriage that is never shifted for capitals a capital shift k key e i requiring only one third ordinary pressure a combined one motion carriage return and line space f which spaces one two or three lines with the same swe sweep cal P and the lightest pIs possible sible carriage tension give an 0 ease case of operation that makes all day speed easy douthe for the operator the always rigid car carriage dage stationary printing point the arrangement of oe ribbon shift and back pace keys end and tai the c fact act that no necessary operation lakes the hands from writing pontoon pont lon comb combines ineas decd speed with accuracy in tho the L C smith 14 mall mail a postal pos talor for literature today L C BROS TYPE typewriter CO nead asas emee for D bestic NY nya U S A aad foreign Buffi denver branch 1647 champe street denver colo BACKACHE BACKA CHE AND ACHING JOINTS together tell of bad kidneys kidney much pain that masks ns as rheumatism ells a Is due to weak kidneys to their failure to drive oft off urlo uric acid thoroughly when you suf fer achy bad joints backache too with a 0 me m e kidney disorders g get 0 t doans kidney pills which h have a v e cured thousands AN OKLAHOMA CASH CASE john T jones jonea B S pile st bt pauls fauls valley aklai okla mayor ayt 1 I was wag confined to bed for or days daya with kidney trouble and sciatic rheumatism I 1 was waa weak and do da militated and tormented almost to death not improving under the doctors treat ment I 1 began using doans kidney pills and was entirely cured I 1 have had no trouble since alcoe get doans doana at any drug brug store a dox box iffa 9 kidney leoan S pills MILBURN CO buffalo Dut falo NY N Y prevention 00 better than cure tutta pills it token taken in tam are re not only a remedy for but will prevent SICK HEADACHE biliousness constipation and kindred diseases T III ME it ir 8 ills thin bits of corn toasted to A delicate light brown post Toa sties im to be eaten with cream and an d sugar or served with canned fruit poured over either way insures a most delicious dish the me memory lingers p bottum pottum estum cereal co ltd battle creel mich |