Show A WENDELL JACKSONS MIGHTY COUP jackson A lot of bankers bankord have been bee n asking aking this question during the past low faw 6 days jackson why hes the sair same to person who finan financed cod china to her recent ng x loan when the so called six powers group of bankers representing mv great Drita britain ln france germany russia japan and the united states lend the budding republic W v A all this real money 47 pa i this now factor in world finance Is a massachusetts yankee ilia hla father n was a seat seafaring aring man n no a wonder the 7 sons covings around the world jackson was born in chelsea mass but ho he was only a boy of six when jackson br decided to pioneer it to california the family took ship to tho the isthmus and the train across and so no made their way to california the boy went to public sc school hoolin in san francisco and then to high school college was 3 not in his thoughts though ta this in 1370 lie ho later grad graduated dated from tho the university of 0 california thi story of bow this adventurer in the higher realms of finance took the wind out of tho the sails of the proudest money magnates of the world Is in do ll clous these gentlemen of the eminent six elx power syndicate were busy tolling telling china that thomey she so BO badly badi needed aoud only be had b by ya allowing them i a say so on tiow fici it was to to bo needa spent open cilena dow demurred turre tho the trouble was at its height beight the bankers backing and filling the diplomats in despair when jackson reached london hero here was waa big game ile he promptly cabled to poking pelting that lie ho could got get the money on cin any terms suitable to hinn annachina and ana china accepted |