Show TRAFFIC SAFETY I 1 now Is the time to exercise care in driving to make use ot of compression in descending grades to have chains ready and use them on mountain roads to proceed with extra caution at railroad crossings and aLs alshari harv curves la is it important to heed the highway signs and take due dua noto note of their cautionary import tho the main highways of the state have all been signed by the road commission the points of potential danger are all noted so far as it is humanly possible to foresee them in many instances signs are in place at locati locations ous where serious or fatal accidents have occurs mccurr ed no person has a right to use the high highways wars built with public funds for public use who does not drive with consideration tor for tie the safety of 0 himself and others since this la Is tho the plain fact act what must be thought ot of the individual who with reckless crim inanity deliberately destroys or mutt muti lutes lates the signs signa which are also public property and placed where they are arc in order to promote tho the safety ot oi life and property proper tyl feeble minded might be a charitable designation yet whatever tho the reason it any the tact fact remind that the road department la is put to constant expense to replace dabag el ed signs recently in summit county destruction of highway signs resulted in heavy being imposed upon the perpetrators this should bo the rule wherever and whenever the guilty parties are caught and all motorists will do themselves and others othera an inestimable service if they will promptly note and report to tho tha authorities any deliberate doll berate infraction ot of tho the i laws g public property |