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Show UTAHriS URGED TO GET READY FOR EW LOAN Every American Worthy the Name , Will Do Part Says Chairman Grant "To Loyal Americans of Utah," are ! the opening words of an appeal that la being issued to 30,000 residents of the state on behalf of the forthcoming third Liberty loan campaign by Heber J. Grant, chairman of the campaign committee. The appeals are being sent in the form of circular letters, one to each of these 30,000. It Is the foundation work for the campaign that is to begin In from sixty lo ninety days. It will be an extensive, farreaching campaign, greater, perhaps, than any of the others and preparations commensurate with its importance are being made. Fifteen stenographers are now working work-ing at the Commercial Club building getting out the letters and doing other work In connection with the forthcoming forthcom-ing drive. People Must Give Aid. "Every red-blooded American wants to win the war. This is our aim and ' our life at this time. This cannot be done without money and the only source from which the government can obtain money is from the people." So reads 0110 of the paragraphs of the appeal, ap-peal, which, in full, is as follows: "To Loyal Americans of Utah: "We are addressing you at this time to call your attention to the third Liberty loan, which will be announced by Secretary MoAdoo within the next thirty or sixty days. From present indications, in-dications, the people will be asked to loan the government more than in the past, and you are therefore asked to make such arrangements as you find necessary so that you can give this loan financial support. Our Aim and Life. "Every red-blooded (American wants to win the war. That is our aim and our life at this time. This cannot be done without money, and the only source from which the government can obtain money is from the people which it protects. It will undoubtedly be more difficult for the people of this state to subscribe to the third loan than it has been in the former two, but it Is a duty that must be performed. Utah's allotment must be raised. The government mue t have money to prosecute prose-cute the war. There Is no American who can consistently fail tc answer this call. After all, subscribing for first-class government securities is asking but little compared with the sacrifice of thc&o who go to the trenches. 'lour boy and your friend's boy who go oft to the front can earn at least $C3 per month at home. They are paid only J30 a month by the government, so they are really losing $35 a month financially. The man who subscribes 21,000 worth of bonds loses $420 interest inter-est while the boy loses $420 per year, so that the man who subscribes $21,-000. $21,-000. worth of bonds Is doing no more financially than the boy who goes away to fight, and besides this, the boy offers his Ufa Must Succeed. "It will be expected that every American subscribe his honest proportion propor-tion of the third loan, and those who have money and do not support the government will find that there will be I other ways to make them do their duty. The third loan must be a success, and while It may be the first financial test of the American people, the loan must succeed and the government looks to every man. woman and child in Utah to do his duty, "Many workers will be needed in this l loan and we ask that yon confer with your county chairman as soon as possible, pos-sible, offering your assistance. "Very respectfully. (Signed) HHBUit J. CMtANT, "Chairman." - ' . I |