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Show jlsave shrinkage j I PTiiYSvTi II Occasionally there is a ship- 'V-&bLISmI! ' ment of hogs consigned to a lTTM 3 Ll distant market. The owner j CJ-JuJjH I suffers shrinkage and other jj M losses, occasioned by shipping j f SS I long distances, and does not get any better price for his iftijZM hogs. Vr k J I Most of the hog raisers in (r&vm the intermountain west save j yM ' I shrinkage by shipping their ' J nf'V A j hogs to Ogden the home of ii ffrilCH'l'.' '' Mountain brand Products jj j'. where highest prices are al- h 1 . ib i iSarji.i-.rrL-1 Dj 1 ways paid for hogs. I ta i im.Ti i1 P J ' na I gjwi.i-.ii:" liHill Oedcn Packing & Provision Co. ; ov I Vfct f,nnfintsl5YluidDrachT! . fefytiTi5l For Infants and Children. Ppfifilfll Mothers Know That W UWii Genuine Castoria M Avctabtera- Always , 1 '1 Bears. the." A mS Signature JP - Mi'm-, vJr For Over "fhS: j Jac Simile Si4natoof j , II ! Thirty Years . Will Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMt onrraun eoni w o orrr. f - f How Two Business I Men Started i s r One of them was wide awake. When he started in busi- fTJ fj ness he straightway opened a bank account. The other was many months in doing this. He did not see the vital need of a strong banking connection. Til u The progressive one, by careful banking methods, built S up a substantial credit. The other, because of. careless Jfl banking methods, had no credit at all. When hard times Tli U came, only one was left in business. He had made a friend C 3 of his bank. . Q ' 3 . - Q I Make this bank YOUR friend. g ! IlfJ STATE III J SC. II. THOMPSON, President. T. H. QUILLEN, Vice President. Tj Q EARL RANDALL, Cashier. xm t-". imwmmvB'AVm' I - IIIPH I I WAR SAVING STAMPS AND THRIFT STAMPS I Eg little by little buy Rifles for our soldieVs. I 1 A Nickel here a dime there MILLIONS must Do raised through 1 the sale of THRIFT STAMPS to buy FOOD and CLOTHING for our I M BOYS In FRANCE. d B The WAR Is costing the UNITED STATE 25c per day per capita, v I Have you put up your Quarter todayT If not, buy a THRIFT STAMP. 1 The following are AUTHORIZED AGENTS OF THE TREASURY I DEPARTMENT, at any of which places you can buy Thrift Stamps: I Post Office Citizens 8tate Bank I Bingham State Bank .Bingham Mercantile Co. S.J. Hays Highland Boy Mine jl ' Voston Con. R. G. Bee . I John T. Bogan Cley's Jewelry Co. I Ben Lewis F. W. Quinn if Steele Drug Co. Woodrlng's Rrug Store ( 1 i Chocolate Shop M. L. James f 9 Highland Store Copper State Bank Ifl Miner's Merc. Co. Mt. States Tel. . Tel. Co. II Utah Power & Light Co. Utah Copper Co. B Ohio Copper Co. U. S. Mine I Utah-Apex Mine Yampa Mine H Utah Metal Tunnel Co. i Bingham Schools BY UNITED EFFORT WE WILL GET THE KAISER 1 Q. B. KELLY, Cashier. If "JSs "1 Beautiful Bust and Shoulders. It j 2r'tV toiW M P"ibi If yo wl clMtincsuy coMtrocUd y is I ' -1 1 r((K s Biro JoliS Brsiriere. 1 fir itf-Isr3 Th driMntifc wiht of n unmnd bunt o tretrhct the ;i yl ry iupporUns biiikIw Ut tUe toDtouf of the Bur U ipoiled. f j - 1 OlV f w put th burt Wk whr It b- l - IV VsZ JDIEN T "on. Pnt the full bnrt from U l lirf eVVnUS hTinS th ppernc of - J Vl A .DRA'S"'" ie.t, of the moulder fiini II rTk Mlk srsceful line to the entire upper body. II . i I MWlW Th are the dstaMest snd &tognM Isjjt II l yHill r.hle romo In l material! and atflee: Crw Batli, Hooi 11 WV'W mUibM.nsPnniUinfa.hinfwiU.outrin0i. I 'HfA-'y ii.Toorde1eTihowyoBienJolieBrilere.lfnottock- I r$W ? ' " ''dly p'epi,l ,l,,p" tohcwlrw, t "Tw. BENJAMIN JOHNES. 31 Wsrren SUtet, Newark, N. J. I HOTEL JAMES Tistimn Under New Management nwrvjna 100 rooms single or en suite 50 rooms with private baths All modern and up-to-date Newly furnished if and Absolutely Respectable ( IVIRS. S. A. HAYES, Prop. J57 0. MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CI XV 1 1 TELL YOUR WIFE j' CORNS LIFT OFF Doesn't hurt a bit to lift corns or calluses off with fingers . ..'." . t Not a twinge of pain or soreness before applying, or afterwards. This may sound like a dream to corn pestered men and women who have been cutting, filing and wearing torturous plasters. Yeel Corns lift out and calluses peel off as if by magic, says this Cincinnati authority. A quarter ounce of free tone coats but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a lew drops directly upon your tender corn or callus, and instantly the sore-Bess sore-Bess diaapPri tnen loi"tIy the corn or callus will be so loose that it lifts off. Freefone dries instantly. It doesn't eat out the corn or callus, but just shrivels It up so it lifts away without even irritating the surrounding skin. Women should keep it on the dresser and never let a corn or callus ache twice The Ear of the DEAF Must Be Stirred To AcUvity Let U Send You for S The AcousHcon For lO Daya Free Trial Jm The Deaf A&&llZrfib H a w,w m ncawiTtc coaw. " tw eu. w I'P , "iuMil Timiy n niiir of thisv j , r GetU from your fTftl wi'XZ Eec?cV 11 dealer or from us. lja nOPl " rotZl nUPAoATOR 1 -i-:.A TnMlNOinn pl.m BI.J... packed bl OUBINOTMS LIFBOFTMI8 AOVtTIS-MI.NT ..uia.r.tb DURHAM DUPLEX RAZOR CO. JfrseyCitv N.J. IrfJ M fe "BLUE BONNETS"-. JVeu Fabric with N Fntum. I IXSHER WHITMAMaCO. nc..8IBroJw.v. N. Yrfc j I I IHsl For entertaining friends for the family with meals or SA between meals--anj time! There's no beverage that quite Tv A "hits the spofas does BECCO the true,pure food beverage. f M wt sA Order From U (f wX G. L. BECKER, MEG It., JHNGIIAM. UTAH. (J A I As Age Advances the Liver Requires fa.tntmy r!3r occasional slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE ST I LrVER TILLS correct CONSTIPATION. Colorless or Pale Faces TilSSsM 1x83 m f |