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Show Claire Esplin Weds In St. George Temple Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Esplin of Cedar City announced the marriage mar-riage of their daughter, Claire, i to Richard DeMont Herrick of. Long Beach, Calif, on Friday, June 25. The wedding ceremony ( was solemnized in the St. George. L D S temple bv President Harold Har-old S. Snow. A garden reception was called indoors Friday evening because of the weather and friends and relatives moved to the Second Ward Relief Society rooms to meet the new Mr. and Mrs. Herrick. Her-rick. The bride was lovely in a gown of white satin and lace which was trimmed with beads and' rhinestones. She carried a bou-! quet of pink carnations. j Assisting the bride was her sis-, ter, Mrs. Myta Manley, as matron of honor, and the following bridesmaids: three sister of the bride, Tarma, Cleo and Joy Esp-1 lin, and Dorle Herrick, sister of the groom. j Standing as best man was Richard Taylor of Mesa, Ariz. Audrey Heaton was in charge of the guest book and Reveau Sherratt and Joyce Benson as-' sisted in the gift room. Serving were Mary Short and Thelma eckstrom. Jane Skinner, May Leigh, Leola Fife, Vyonne Fife, ( Dorothy Jones and Zoella Ben-! son assisted in the kitchen. The new Mrs. Herrick is a graduate of the Cedar City High School, the Branch Agricultural College and the USA C. She has been employed as a teacher in Long Beach during the past winter. Mr. Herrick has fulfilled an L D S mission and has completed com-pleted a tour of duty with the armed forces that took him to Korea. Following a honeymoon trip through Salt Lake City, Reno and San Francisco, the couple will return re-turn too Long Beach to make a home. |