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Show ENOCH AND MIDVALLEY NEWS Mrs. Cora Murie The Mia Maids are putting on a bake sale in the lobby of the Southern Utah Power Co. on Saturday, Sat-urday, July 3 to raise money to help pay their expenses for a trip through the parks. Mrs. Alene Chamberlain and baby are visiting at the Hunter Gibson home. The Farowan Stake Presidency were visitors at Sunday School and Sacrament services last Sunday Sun-day for our ward conference. The senior members of the Aaronic P'iosthood and their wives held a lawn party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Matheson for Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cal-vin Button who are moving to Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Jones have been called an a two year mission mis-sion to the St. George Temple. They will begin their duties when the temple re-opens next fall. Garry Turner of Salt Lake City spent the week end visiting at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Smith. Kenneth, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Richardson, who had polio a few years ago, has been in the St. Marks hospital in Salt Lake City for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Armstrong and son and daughter spent last Saturday and Sunday in Brig-ham Brig-ham City with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matheson and family and Mrs. Lillian Esplin with her children chil-dren and grandchildren of Shelley, Shel-ley, Idaho, were also guests of the Armstrongs in a family reunion. re-union. Evevy members of the family with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. George Grimshaw were in attendance. The scouts arc going to Navajo Lake on July 12 for a five-day outing. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Matheson spent the week end in Layton with their son Gayle and wife. They brought back their daughter daugh-ter Avey ind Lynn Grimshaw who have been visiting there. The Enoch Ward will celebrate the Fourth of July with a program pro-gram and sports to be held on I Henry Grimshaw's Jaa. Hie program will commence about 10:30 and will include refreshments refresh-ments sold by the M I A at noon, with sports to follow. A full day of enjoyment-is anticipated. |