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Show Gavel Changes Hands At Rotary Installation Banquet The annual Installation party or the Cedar City Rotary Club was held Tuesday evening at Hotel Ho-tel El Escalante, with Dr. Daryl Chase acting as master of ceremonies. cere-monies. Installed as president of the club for the coming year was D. C. Dix, who succeeds Carl Was-muth. Was-muth. Other officers installed with Mr. Dix were Don Draper and Myron F. Higbee, vice presidents; presi-dents; L. Robert Gardner and William M. Merryweather, directors; direc-tors; Glen Froyd, secretary; R. L. Wahl, Jr., treasurer; William T. Smith, sergeant-at-arms. Mr. Wasmuth, retiring president, presi-dent, made the annual report and listed the joint meeting recently lield with visiting Rotarlans at 7Aon Tark lodge as the outstanding outstand-ing promotional effort of the year. The visiting Rot aria ns from New York, New jersey, Pennsylvania, Pennsyl-vania, Canada and Virginia, were high In praise of the hospitality hospitali-ty shown by the local club. rresenting a past president's pin to the retiring president, Ku-mcn Ku-mcn L. Jones, a former presl- dent of the club, paid tribute trib-ute to Mr. Wasmuth's handling of club affairs during the past year. Musical entertainment was provided by Miss Christine Hou-chen, Hou-chen, vocalist; Richard Heywood, trumpeter, and the Tradesmen quartet.- |