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Show Wheat Controls May Be Necessary Benson Emphasizes Instructions have been received by the Iron County committee of the Production and Marketing Administration to start immediately immed-iately on preliminary work necessary nec-essary for possible acreage alot-ment alot-ment and marketing quota programs pro-grams on the 1953 crop of wheat, J. Leonard Topham, chairman of the committee announced today. Secretary erf Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson h'as advised wheat growers that on the basis of supply sup-ply and demand information already al-ready available, it is apparent that mandatory controls on the 1954 wheat crop must be considered consid-ered probable. Final decision under un-der provision of controlling legislation legis-lation must be made not later than July 1 for marketing quotas quo-tas and July 15 for acreage allotments, al-lotments, Because of a desire to avoid controls to the fullest extent possible, these decisions will not be made until the latest possible information is available before the deadlines, but prudent administration ad-ministration demands that preparatory pre-paratory surveys be made now. If there are longer delays and it is found that controls must be adopted it will be too late to do the necessary preliminary work, Secretary Benson pointed out. The PMA committeemen of Iron County are required to contact con-tact every farmer who grew wheat in any of the years 1951, 1952, or 1953 and obtain information infor-mation relative to acreage of wheat planted and cropping practices. Each farmer will be contacted by a County Community Commu-nity committeeman soon, Mr. Topham said. |