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Show Public Recital Slated By Johnson's Piano Students Sun. Piano students of Loa Mathews Math-ews Johnson will appear in a public recital at Thorley Hall Wednesday evening, May 13 at 5 o'clock. The recital will feature the advancement in study these students stu-dents have made during the school year, Mrs. Johnson stated. Solos and four-hand arrangements arrange-ments will round out the program. pro-gram. The public Is Invited and no admission will be charged, it is understood. Those appearing are Margaret Lang, Sharon Crry, Mary Ellen Mathews, Linda Jones, Paul Edmunds, Ed-munds, Ferrel Dean Whatcott, May Vonna Whatcott, Steven Yer-gensen, Yer-gensen, Phillip Yergensen, Carl1 Taylor, Dianna Durrant, Kay! I Lynn Cahoon, Kristine Corry and I Nancy Claire Johnson. |