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Show KANARRAVILLE HEWS The P-TA held a May-Day fes- j tival at the school. The program1 started with braiding of the May Pole, followed by sports and selling pop corn and lemonade. At 3 p. m. the mothers held a food sale and in the evening the schools, under direction of the teadvrs, Richard Olds and Mrs. Alenna Williams, gave a fine program and children's dance. The P-TA took in $75.00 from the food sale to help buy equipment for the school. Horace Roundy of Las Vega" spent Sunday here with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ence. Mrs. Iona Livermore has returned re-turned home after visiting in Las Vegas. Lionel Davis spent the week end here with his family. He ha. employment at Las Vegas. He was accompanied home by his sister, Mrs. Hettie Pollock, who spent the winter their with some of her children. Mr. and Mrs. Alif Davis and ' Oleen Davis of Cedar City visited j here Saturday with their sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Junius Williams and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Patty and small son of Cedar City spent Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Wcodbury and Mrs. Elizann Batty. Mrs. Marva Prince and children chil-dren of New Harmony spent Monday with her m"ther, Hannah Han-nah A. Davis. Several of our townspeople attended at-tended the Stake M I A dance festival at Cedar City last week. Some of our townspeople called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leigh Sunday to congratulate them on their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Al Anderton have returned home from Rawlins, Wyo. where they were called because be-cause of the serious illness and death of Mr. Anderton's brother who was hurt in a train wreck. |