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Show Joel Bauer Aids May Draft By Volunteering Some changes In the Iron County men who will report for-induction for-induction into military service on May 21 have beenme necessary, according to E. B. Dalley, clerk of the Iron County Selective Service Ser-vice board. The quota of men from Irnn county for induction into service during May was set at 10 men and since the prospective list ol registrants to answer the call was announced, two young mer have volunteered for induction and an appeal against inductioi has been made by another whe would have reported. Joel Bauer of Cedar City thi' week volunteered for induction, following a similar action b , David Ellis Bentley who volunteered volun-teered last week. These two men automatically top the list of inductees, in-ductees, and the two youngest men previously ordered to report will be given at least another month or until the next call from the county before it becomes necessary nec-essary for them to report. As a result of these two men volunteering, volun-teering, LaMar Clark and Dwaine D. Johnson, both of Cedar City, will be dropped from the May quota. James Condie of Cedar Cily, who returned from an L D S mission mis-sion recently, will also take th place of a younger man on the May call. He has passed his physical phy-sical examination and qualified for service, and as a result Der-aid Der-aid Eugene Carter, who now resides re-sides in California will be given a delay in induction. John Bleak of Cedar City, who is employed as a driver for the Syrett Commission Co. and who I was given a deferrment of one I year while his employer trained a replacement for him, was placed in 1-A on April 28, and was to have reported for induction induc-tion on May 21. However, his employers have appealed the board's action in placing the young man in 1-A. Consequently he will not be available for Induction In-duction in May regardless of what action is taken by the appeal ap-peal board, and Gayle Adams of Cedar City will replace him in the May quota of men from the county. Other men who will report on May 21 are Carlyle Hunter, Austin Aus-tin Munson and Douglas Max-.well Max-.well of Cedar City; Donold C. (Lowder, Joseph Owen Holyoak and Jos. L. Winter, Parowan. |