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Show Jaycees Set Plans For Polio Campaign As a follow up for its successful fly control program, the Cec".ar City Junior Chamber of Commerce has accepted the responsibility of sponsoring spon-soring the annual Infantile Paralysis Para-lysis Fund drive for this year as part of Its public health program. The drive will commence in the .very near future. Although final plans for the drive are not yet complete, It is planned to conduct a house to house drive to solicit funds for this very worthy cause, as well as to sponsor a basketball bas-ketball game with the proceeds to go to the fund. The game will b under the direction of Carrol Brown and Norman Heaton. The annual Roosevelt birthday dance will be held tills year, with Frank Milne in charge. J. C. Haws, last year county chairman will be in charge of movie, school and main street solicitation. A full program of publicity is planned for the drive also. In addition to the campaign in Cedar City, the local Jaycees will organize and conduct the drive In; other communities in Jthe county also. |