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Show Spotlighting UTAH r , t GeneTa Steel Plant Is Tourist Lure. Tuesday tours of the Geneva Steel plant have been resumed for the season. More than 100, 000 persons have toured this giant steel plant since it began operations as a U. S. Steel Corporation Cor-poration subsidiary. Tour regulations regula-tions allow cameras; guests must wear a head covering and foreign for-eign visitors must submit names and addresses three days in advance. ad-vance. Bushnell to be Nation's Largest Indian School Mr. John C. llelfrich, construction construc-tion engineer for the U. S. Indian Service, after conducting a survey sur-vey at Brigham City's wartime Bushnell Hospital recently acquired ac-quired by the Indian Service as a Navajo Indian school, declared declar-ed all equipment at the school to be in excellent condition. It is expected that the former military hospital will be converted con-verted into an Indian school in time to accommodate students starting the fall term. Mr. llelfrich llel-frich said the school will be four times larger than any now in operation. op-eration. French Magazine Seeks Utah Scenic Area Photos A request for photos of odd and unique geological formations forma-tions in the Arches National Monument has been received by the UPID from M. Ch. Broyer, Tresorler de la Societe Botanique de France. The publication is a well known French scientific magazine. Emery County Uranium Attracts "March of Time" Emery county probably has the largest producing carnotite mine in the state carnotite yields uranium and the mine is the largest contributor to the Monti-cello Monti-cello carnotite processing plant. The mine is on Temple Mountain Moun-tain on the east flank of the San Rafael Swell and since July of last year has yielded 3500 tons of carnotite which has been trucked 151 miles to the Monti-cello Monti-cello processing plant. Operated by Byron Howard, Huntington, and Tom Skldmore of Price, the men have announc-that announc-that the famous motion pictures news feature, "The March of Time" will gather feature material mater-ial in Emery county soon which will result in this section of Utah being brought into the national spotlight. Mr. Howard declared that the ore used by Madame Curie of France in her experiments which led to the discovery of radium, came from the Temple mountain moun-tain area near the 1890's. |