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Show QOOOrJJOQOOQQQ Cj-tVl 3 .v.v." ..v.v.w.v.,jNiw,v.v' . .... .v." - m..-.s.sw.vaw. a w v.v.v. v .y. . v.. v.vj.v. --v'-a! Jellies Make Charming Christmas Presents! Fruit Favorites Did you ever think of giving prize-winning prize-winning jellies or home preserved things for presents? They are one of the most pleasant gifts to receive as well as to give, and with their variety vari-ety of colors you can make a sparkling spar-kling array of them very appropriate appropri-ate for holiday giving. It's true that the jelly season is past, and few fresh berries are available, avail-able, but then many homemak- vVJl 1 1 ers have put up TX juice to be made into jelly. For wnit&A those of you who Sftt 1 don't have those ?fc I resources, try a 4' Jf" canned or bottled juice like grape, and make use of the citrus fruits. If you want to do something particularly par-ticularly nice, make a few batches of chutney and put them up in small Jars. They'll be a welcome addition to anyone's meat course, now that supplies of that food are low and we are trying to use the economical cuts for budget purposes. Grape Jelly. (From bottled juice) 3 cups sugar 2 cups bottled grape Juice tt 8-ounce bottle liquid pectin Measure sugar and juice into a large saucepan and mix. If you use an unsweetened Juice, add Mi cup of sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat and add liquid pectin at once stirring stir-ring constantly. Bring to a full rolling roll-ing boil and boll hard for 30 seconds. Remove from heat and skim. Pour into hot sterile jelly glasses and cover with paraffin at once. Makes about five 6-ounce glasses. Grape and Mint Jelly. H cup cold water 3 cups bottled grape Juice Y cup lemon Juice 1 3-ounre package of powdered fruit pectin 4 cups granulated sugar H to l teaspoons peppermint extract Combine water, grape and lemon Juice in kettle. Stir in pectin. Heat to a full rolling iiy ffib boil. atirring con-lMnrTiL con-lMnrTiL stantly. Stir in Wifl HeaX?, tzLd izjW ful1 rolling boil :ftfpQjnryj and boil 5 mtn' ZT7jmv utes. Remove W from heat; skim. LA Add extract Then pour into freshly sterilized glasses and pour hot paraffin at once. This makes about seven 8-ounce glasses. Thrifty Marmalade. (Makes eight 6-ounce glasses) 3H cups prepared fruit 6 cups sugar K bottle frnit pectin To prepare fruit, use skins from 8 medium oranges and 2 medium lemons lem-ons and cut In quarters. Lay quarters quar-ters flat; shave off and discard about half of the white part. Put yellow rinds through food chopper twice. Add 24 cups water, Juice of 2 lemons, tt teaspoon soda and 1 cup sugar. (This 1 cup of sugar Is In addition to the S cups mentioned above.) Bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes, sitrring occasionally. Measure sugar and prepared fruit Into large kettle, pour In the hot syrup and add a cup of water if necessary. Mix well and bring to a LYNN SAYS: Thrc Tips Will Help During the Holidays To peel oranges or grapefruit and free the fruit entirely from the membranes or white pulp underneath under-neath the skin, first place the fruit In hot water for Ave minutes. You then will be able to peel every particle par-ticle outside from the fruit pulp. Very thin shredded cabbage It easy to make with vegetable peeler. This type Is best lor cole fv'aw. LYNN CHAMBERS' MENU Tomato Juice Fried Scallops Tartar Sauce Baked Potatoes Green Beans Apple-Cranberry Salad Bran Muffins Beverage Pineapple Upside-Down Cake full rolling boil, over hottest flame. Stir constantly before and while boiling. Boil hard 1 minute. Remove from fire and stir in bottled pectin. Then stir and skim by turns for just 5 minutes to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Pour quickly. Cover with paraffin at once. Apricot Pineapple Jam. 1 pound dried apricots 1 pint can crushed pineapple Vt cups pineapple Juice and water 3 cups sugar Soak apricots overnight; drain and cut into small pieces. Measure out pineapple juice and enough water to make 1V4 cups. Mix together to-gether apricots, pineapple and water; wa-ter; cook for 30 minutes over a low flame, stirring occasionally. Add sugar and cook until thickened, about IS minutes. Ladle mixture into clean sterilized glasses and pour hot paraffin at once. Ginger Pear Conserve. 4 pounds pears 2 lemons 4 pounds sugar Va pound candied ginger Peel, core and chop pears fine. Grate the rind, and add the juice from the lemons. Boil with sugar until thickened, about 43 minutes. Add ginger which has been chopped fine and cook for IS minutes longer. Pour into clean jars and seal. Apple Chutney. (Makes 6 pints) 4 pounds onions, peeled and chopped 3 pounds green apples, peeled and chopped 4ft cups brown sugar, firmly packed 1 pound seeded raisins 2 teaspoons ginger 2 teaspoons powdered cloves 3 teaspoons cinnamon 3 teaspoons salt 3 tablespoons molasses Dash of cayenne pepper Combine all ingredients in a large kettle and simmer uncovered for about 2 hours, stirring occasion- ture becomes v-vrfiXfc thick and dark. Iji?ffjf Pour immediate- JCljJJ ly Into hot, sterl- rp -lized preserve 'UJj Jars and seal lm- mediately. Pineapple Chutney. 5 pounds cooking apples, peeled and chopped 6 caps crushed pineapple 4H cups brown sugar, firmly packed 3 pints cider vinegar t teaspoons salt 3 teaspoons ginger 2 teaspoons cardamon seed 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon powdered cloves Combine all ingredients in a large kettle and simmer, uncovered, for about m hours, stirring occasionally occasion-ally until mixture becomes thick. Pour immediately into hot, sterilized steri-lized preserve jars and seal Immediately. Imme-diately. Releaied by WNU Feature!. If vegetable or cereal burns, plunge the vessel In cold water and let stand a few minutes before removing re-moving contents. This will do away almost entirely with the burned taste. Cabbage can be cut quickly on a coarse shredder. Cut head In half if It's large one. To save time and dishwashing whan you use muffin tins, use paper I baking cups In them. They don't I need to be greased and muffin tins j do not get all crumbed. |