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Show f M i!ut shall belong to all - By? S'J' "Iwayil Tlicrc is probably no f II 1 1 legacy more downright help f f J .n ful and comforting than a J Jr yJlii' family monument. It is a rff declaration of respect for aSyOrtf"''''' ,'ie nan,e w'"cn through tin's generation, is yours! NU-ART MEMORIAL COMPANY 1857 South State St., Salt Lake City, Utah IT . IrMOIrS LFf Kmmas Softs CLUB OCCASIONAL SWING BOUDOIR ROCKERS DISCOUNTED 10 TO 50 1 CENT HUNTER Hardware & Furniture Cedar City, Utah L S He yets sore as a boiled owl if we don't mix ARDEN GRADE A MILK in with his dinner PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS Immediate Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Mr. FRANCIS OR MARION LEANY I-hone 434 P. O. Box 703 Give a gift cf XJW V lasting satis- 0G bW tion new "rjL 2)&Zgt& TIRES S LUNT HEYWOOD ( I fcj. TIRE & RECAP CO. I jPffi 33 801,111 Main phone 33 ; lie ww 194$ , .,. QUli vl A , AMERICA'S moat .dmlrr.1, moot lc out the pictur. Here'a a Mar-Mmldcd .trrd postwar .utom ,.lc now .n ng, prr.rnt.iion of modern motoring luxury , ' f,nC nf" 19W " fn.ph.rf.rt .nrw the out-head dial u Vr " t 1 nr"Ctin- ,,nrlln f Slndrhakrr Myling and engU pior. and Comnundrr romrrt.Me. .dd nrrring. The f,rt showing of the first t U iTI. I i V 7i k l V Uprrh "fW ,9W S to .rrive In orld.kl StudeUlf r .1) e m.rk. Low. town I. now on. You and your family are wuuc new 1919 sedan, and coupe, round cordially Invited to attend. COy MOTOR CO. 501 South Main St. |