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Show www Food Allergy And Its Effects THERE are many symptoms that may be caused by foods to which one is allergic and these symptoms may occur anywhere In or on the body. Thus, In addition to hives, the skin may be afflicted with eczema due to foods, and Itching and swelling swell-ing of the skin is very common. Similarly, the whole digestive tract from the mouth to the lower end may be affected by foods to which the individual is sensitive little canker sores in the mouth and on the lips, nausea, vomiting, gas pressure, diarrhoea, constipation or colitis. Everybody seems to be allergic to at least one food that causes head colds sniffling and running nose, sneezing, itchiness, and a hacking cough. A great many cases of asthma asth-ma have been traced to a food, all symptoms disappearing when the offending food was omitted. Some cases of Irritable bladder causing frequent and sometimes painful passage of the urine are not due to colds or to drugs but to sensitiveness sen-sitiveness to food. That the "nerves" can be affected by sensitiveness to foods has been established, such symptoms as migraine mi-graine (one-sided headache), dizziness, dizzi-ness, neuralgia and irritability disappearing dis-appearing when, certain foods were omitted from the diet. Foods that do not usually cause allergic symptoms are lamb, gelatin, butter, sugar, tapioca, barley, arrowroot, ar-rowroot, soya and string beans, cooked apples, asparagus, cooked peas, pineapples, cooked pears, white and sweet potatoes. The foods that do often cause symptoms are onions, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, milk, cream, chocolate, radishes, eggs, fats, greasy and rich foods, pork, pickles, cheese, salmon, fruits, peppers, oranges, or-anges, sweets, spices. QUESTION BOX Q Is it possible for one to bring about a cure of stomach ulcer through diet and operation? A. Formerly operation was often the treatment for gastric or stomach stom-ach ulcer. Now treatment Is mostly by diet and rest. Your physician or nearest hospital ran give yon a copy of an ulcrr diet. Keep reporting report-ing to your physician and yon can thus prevent any other growth getting get-ting a start In your stomach. I might add, ulcer Is benefited by a calm outlook. |